
Hi, I want to know about the public transportation in Perth and Adelaide. Anybody?

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Is it easy to get around? Or only for certain areas?




  1. Perth transport is pretty shocking and dangerous.

    Buses and trains hardly go to exactly where you want to go.

    It's a 2km hike for me to my nearest bus stop and I live only 12kms from the CBD, and it's a 45 minute bus ride compared to a 15 minute drive.

    New trains stations are not anywhere near where people live so they put buses on to get you to the train!

    They had to put Police on the Railway because of the violent attacks by gangs.

    There is a web based trip planner if you want to try and use public transport. But public transport is only really designed to get most of the people into the CBD at peak times.

  2. I live around Adelaide.The transport system is in total dissarray at the moment, buses and trains arrive late(where there are any) Its the poorest organised transport system I have ever encountered. I went to Perth earlier this year. WOW. They have EVERYTHING. I mean it. The transport over there is brilliant and every area is efficiently covered. Wish SA Govt. could adopt it!

  3. I can't help you with Adelaide, but Perth is pretty good. There is a new rail line in the southern suburbs (as well as the 4 that we already had) with a heap of new bus services to link up with it, and you can get from almost every suburb into the cbd, but getting between suburbs can be a little time consuming. Just one thing, services at night and sundays/public holidays are almost non existent.

  4. Adelaide has pretty good public transport, but some areas are better serviced than others. There has been an increase in demand lately due to high petrol prices, causing crowding on some services.

  5. Perth is good. They've just put a new train line which goes from perth to mandurah! and then you can get off at all the other little stops in between.

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