
Hi, I want to start my own money making arcade website with Flash Games. I have almost no clue how to start...

by  |  earlier

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I've picked my domain name and it is available, but I dont know what type of website I should use or where to get one with enough space. Is there any tips someone can give to me?




  1. Nah, there are a load of sites out there that just collect games from around the net and put them on their site...

    I think it's kind of cool actually, because then you get to play games you otherwise wouldn't have known about. So, as long as you get permission to put the game on your site, and give credit to those who deserve it, that shouldn't be a problem.

    I do agree though, that you should really learn HTML and CSS and practice on some free hosts before you take the plunge. It's not something you can just jump in to and expect to start making money...

    A lot of new developers think that if they build it, people will come. It's simply not true. There's a lot of competition on the web, all aching to pull in some new users.



    It always amazes me how naive people are. Here's a tip: HTML is not coding. Also, you can make money from your site by selling ad space - you don't have to charge your users...but you will need a steady flow of traffic before any advertisers will ever think twice about placing their ads on your site.

  2. If you plan on making your own games and don't even know how to make a web page - just give up now man. Unless you're planning on taking games from other sites and putting them on your own - then you're just an a*****e.

  3. wow, that guy who answered first was a jerk.


    i first suggest you learn how to code a computer language named HTML its fairly easy to learn, you can find free tutorials on the internet but i suggest a book called "HTML for dummies"

    that will let you design the web page the games will be on.

    then learn to code Flash for making your own games(Unless you wanna use other peoples games, with their permission that is.) coding flash though is not as easy as HTML though.

    and last in order for you to make money off the games you'll have to have a valid credit card so that your customers can pay you.

    ... i doubt they'll want to send you a check or cash.

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