
Hi, I was wondering if anybody could tell me what the best medicine for depression is? thanks!?

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Hi, I was wondering if anybody could tell me what the best medicine for depression is? thanks!?




  1. Surely you are aware there is no one medication for depression that fits the needs of every single depressed person. People can only tell you what works for them which has no relation to how it might work for you. In case you are unaware of this, you must see a psychiatrist to even get a prescription much less determine which, if any, are best suited for you. I'm curious as to what your plan was when someone recommended one for you. In other words how would you get a prescription drug without a prescription from a doctor? burglarize a pharmacy, see a doctor and tell him you already know what you need and demand that he give you a prescription? You appear to have a problem in following thoughts through to their logical conclusion.

  2. I take Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening - and that has worked very well for me.

    The Wellbutrin SR helps me to be more active and "want to do things", and the Lexapro seems to make me more docile - but taking it in the evening helps with my sleep.

    No two people respond the same to medications - and what works for one person may or may not work for another - including the dosages.

    I hope that helps you...

    Best of Luck :-)


  3. Celexa works quite well, but only your psychiatrist will know what's best for you.

  4. Food... LOL just kidding...   Try excercise!

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