
Hi, I was wondering if someone could offer any advice on writing an article..?

by  |  earlier

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It is medicine based and I will have written 1000-2000 words of facts and review before I wish to transfer to reporting on certain research/ studies I have seen for myself.

What would be the best way to make a more or less natural transit from evaluative material to "on the 4th of October I was able to see this process for myself"?

Would it be too weird to suddenly write from a 1st person perspective after writing 3rd person for the majority of the article?




  1. Yes, it would a bit. You need to establish your voice right at the beginning - even if it's very briefly.

    Are you able to mention in the first paragraph that you'll be talking about evidence you've seen later on, but that you'll start by outlining research and studies that have been done.

    You have in your favour that it's an article - in other words, you are "speaking" to readers, even if it's very formally, so being you upfront won't be unusual. If you were writing something like a research paper or dissertation, it would be more difficult.

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