
Hi, I would like to plan a trip to Ireland, but am not sure where to start. I need to save, and be frugal.?

by Guest59011  |  earlier

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I really want to travel to Ireland, but am not exactly flush with funds. Any ideas on some cost effective, but safe ways to travel and see Ireland? Thanks so much!




  1. Can you give us some more info on this please?

    How long are you coming for?

    Would you make do with hostel accommodation?

    Are you wanting to see the countryside or the cities?

    Where are you coming from?



    OK, first thing to bear in mind is that Ireland is split in two. In the North (Northern Ireland) they use Sterling (British money), in the south (Republic of Ireland) they use the Euro, so if you are going to visit both, try to make sure you have both currencies.

    For Hostels, in Belfast there's Arnies ( ) and in the south theres An Óige (The Irish Youth Hostel Assoc) ( - they have hostels all over)

    If you can afford a little more and are stopping in Belfast, then the place we use to put up friends/family if there is not enough room in the house is Kate's B&B ( )

    To make the trip cheaper, there are a number of bus tickets you can get that give you pretty much unlimited travel ( ) and you can view the timetables on line for Northern Ireland ( ) and for the south by visiting ( )

    Something else you need to bear in mind is that Ireland is colder than a lot of the US. The reason it is so green is that it never stops raining :-)

    There are also quite a few camp sites, but unless you have a very waterproof tent, you are taking a risk.

    If you want to look up non-Óige hostels or Bed & Breakfasts on your own, a good place to start is for the south or for Northern Ireand.

    Now, all you need is to decide where you want to go, find local hostels, and plan the buses.

    Need any more help, email me.

  2. Well you could look into prices and compare and plane your self thats what my boyfriend and I are doing next year and for 8 days and nights including everything meals, hostels, buses, flights, etc we came up with about $2000 which isnt that bad and that was on the high side.  although we did find all hostels that include breakfast and we figured we wouldnt go out for all meals we would make some dinners at the hostel and bring some lunches with us.  Another thing to consider is tours depending on when you want to go they can be pretty good on price and it includes airfare, tours, accomodations some meals etc.  Depending on your age Contiki is good they do 18-35 years old only.  But then also CEI does tours too you can also google ireland tours and others will pop up. Hope i helped

  3. Very expensive spot now. I would try Scotland---Highlands and Islands are great in May or better still June

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