
Hi, My pet rat, today, just started this thing where she has like hicupping coughs? i dont know what it is?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know what it is, but tomorrow i will clean her cage, and bath her, that will probably help, it might just be dusty? but any suggestions? or answers to what it might be?




  1. When a rat's hiccups come with noise, it usually means their lungs are scarred from a previous respiratory infection. Your rat probably has a new infection and needs to see a vet.

  2. The best option would be take it to the vet asap. Check your phone book and start ringing vets close to you to find one who is comfortable dealing with Rats. Since Rats are still classed as exotic pets in Australia. (That is, if you're from Australia.)

    You may find it is just a cold, though. But left untreated, even a cold can turn dangerous. One of my girls has recently recovered from fluid on the lungs from a cold turning into pneumonia. It's the cold weather.

    Don't forget to have your room temperature set to a decent level (20-24 degrees celcius is comfortable, I'd say) and give lots of nesting material. Even if its un-scented tissues for them to rip up. I have polar fleece cut into squares for my Rats to use. ^^

  3. If the coughs are very audible, chances are it is a respiratory infection at a somewhat advanced stage. She will need to see a vet ASAP!!!! look to see if there is a lot of red discharge from either the eyes or nose, if there is, it is certainly an infection and she will need medication fast. If the coughs are not very audible, I would recommend keeping and eye on her for a day or two and look for other signs of illness. Goodluck!

  4. She might have a respiratory infection (rats are really prone to them). If it is that, I'd advise you to take her to your vet who can give her antibiotics to treat it before it gets any worse. What bedding do you use for your cage? This can sometimes cause respiratory problems (although it can be inherited). Pine and Cedar sawdust is VERY dusty and not good for rat's lungs at all. Try and buy shaving with the dust eliminated from them or you can buy paper pellets or invest in a shredder and use shredded newspapers. Good luck...hope she gets better soon =)

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