
Hi, Why does your search engine not open automatically in a new tab, maintaining the results in its own tab.?

by  |  earlier

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When so many results are returned in a search, surely using blank() to open the hyperlinks makes it so much easier to go back to the original list to find a new possibility.




  1. use a different search engine, etc...

  2. On your browser, go to tool >> options >> tabs

    and set it up as you want it from there.




    I use firefox but I've just opened I.E and over on the right of the I.E homepage there is a 'tools' tab.

    *** Under 'General' there is a 'tabs' option at the bottom.

    ***Click 'settings' there --- there is a big list of options to 'check' or 'uncheck'.

    ***That is possibly what you need - but I never use I.E :)


    What might be a LOT easier is this:

    When you have your 'list' of things google has found RIGHT click on the page you wish to look at the LEFT click 'open in a new window'.

    This way you still have the original list open if you want to look at it again.

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