
Hi, Will I know Im dead when I die ?

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Hi, Will I know Im dead when I die ?




  1. no one knows. seriously. no one knows.

    but everyone dies, so eventually you'll find out.

  2. most people are aware of their death, so the likelyhood is that you will know.

  3. Your consiousness will continue out of your body, along with emotion from your heart. The depth of who you are will be alive in spirit, so you are not dead, your body is.

  4. You will know , because we all are just one piece into Matrix.

    I tell you one thing, on childhood I told everyone I`m not come here, I`m come form on Axigone (I coled this now). Agixone is my home not this Earth. I had spoke this theory psychologies and friends. Some believe some not, because my planet located far away. I know or I feel Axigone located same degree in other side core galaxy, And I know humans called us angels or fairies, but  we don`t angels or fairies, we have more copy people, we look like density  energy. HOW YOU EXPLAIN THIS. HOW I KNOW THAT!

    And we know a little about our universe. Chemicals into your brain stay several months after you dead. Some people had died and waked up like this is a normal.  Soul is special  energy and energy's can come out, if human doing this we called this a magical or special power or human just died.

  5. Usually, when you die, you have the knowledge that you are leaving your body and heading out to an afterlife.  However, there are deaths -- especially those that are sudden and violent, and/or those with immense suffering -- that cause a soul not to have this ease from life to death.  This is how some hauntings begin.  Of course, this is very rare, but it does happen.  Often, if you can communicate with a ghost, you will find that they don't realize they are dead.  

    This occurs sometimes with children, unfortunately.  They don't understand what is happening to them, and they get lost from the past.  Once again, this is extremely rare.  

    For the most part, you can expect that you will find dying as natural as being born.  It's just something you do without having to be trained.

  6. like the two above me said,  it depends on how you die.

    There are also spirits ( dead family members ) or guides that will help you out with the transition when you get to the otherside.

  7. I thought of this today - and now you ask it ....spooky !

    My answer - When did you last eat?

  8. well no, your brain will stop working and you will go with God.

  9. Interesting question I like it :)

    Many people say you go to God when you die but doesn't this mean you know when you die because you see God

    Another is a world called nothing less you see blank for eternity And nothing else

    I believe it is hard concept to understand you might know when you are dead

    But yet again another hard concept to understand, you don't know your dead

    I'll give you some links hoped this helped :)


    To the paranormal

    Links below click ^^

  10. To cognitively understand something your brain must be in operation.  By definition you are dead when your brain is not operating.  Therefore you can't know you're dead because "knowing" requires the use of that which death has ceased the function of.

  11. You will be with God. You Won't Be Dead, You will be in a new life.

  12. Depends on how you die. In general, those who die quick, tragic deaths often have a hard time remembering. I have come across a spirit I had to tell him that he had died. You know how those who have accidents and black out or become seriously injured often cannot remember the accident itself, only what comes before and what comes after? It's that sort of thing.

    But contrary to what the first poster said, you actually do remember your life. It isn't until you actually reincarnate that your memory gets buried (notice I said buried, not deleted... it's still there, just deeply, deeply hidden). I won't pretend to understand why given we technically don't have a physical brain, but my father died 6 years ago and he clearly remembers who I am and how he died. Same for my grandfather, who died 11 years ago.

    peace to you

  13. No one knows and most of us are in no hurry to find out.How the people who will know you're dead,remember you.That's what we all should wonder about.

  14. You wont, because memories and thought are chemical reactions in the brain and belong in the physical world.  They do not translate over into the metaphysical realm.  So, you wont know you're dead and if reincarnation exists, you wont know you were ever dead when you come back.

  15. An elderly neighbor several years ago passed out in her house. When she was found and woke up..she asked, "Am I dead?"  Just thought I'd share that with you .

  16. Unless you die a horrific death & concious prior to death, no you most likely will not know at first that you have died.

  17. I believe that just as our consciousness's vary in life, that they will will inevitably vary in death as well, since all are very different. Some of us will be in denial of death, some will embrace it and become. They say those that are in denial will avoid the light and hang around as ghosts. They say those that are at peace with it and embrace it will go into the light and become spirits. Then they say some realize they are dead, but feel that have unfinished business here and refuse the light until their business is finished. An example of this is hanging around waiting for your spouse to join you if your spouse is your soul mate. Another example may be to watch over someone you care about to try to protect and help them if they can in some way. Once they feel this job is accomplished, they will move on to the next plain. It is also said that because a spirit has embraced it's death and entered the next plain, that they may return to this plain as they wish and go between both plains as they choose. It is said that we have spirits around us all the time watching over us, some know us, others may not but are drawn to us for some reason or another. A ghost can be seen and felt, a spirit cannot be seen but it's presence can be felt. Whether or not you know you have passed when it happens will really be entirely up to you.

  18. No one has returned to say

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