
Hi, am become a father last week and i want to delay the birth of next child can you tell me the way to do so?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, am become a father last week and i want to delay the birth of next child can you tell me the way to do so?




  1. haven't you studied biology in class? if not, then drop in at the chemists and maybe he will help.

  2. If I am reading your question right. Then Conrats on being a daddy!

    If you don't want any more any time soon then you need to use protection during s*x. A condom for you and Birth control for her.

  3. Congrats on becoming a dad but if you don't want anymore soon then wear a condom for protection or don't have s*x.

  4. use a cork

  5. I'm assuming you already know about condoms and birth control pills.  If you don't want to do that, look up the rhythm method or natural family planning method.

  6. Either you can have s*x with your wife using contraceptives or you can lead a normal life by following the menstrual cycle of your wife.

    Man, don't you go thinking of bedding your woman, she is fragile now.  It is only one week has gone.  Think of someother thing.  Meditation, prayer etc.

    Or else, do some hard work,   Work till you cannot lift your hand, then you can have a nice sleep and your wife will have a relaxed night, provided the child allows her sleep.

    good luck.

    sorry, if I have hurt your feelings.

    try this link.

  7. congats...

    use protection... birth control pills n condoms etc...or the most safe is dun do s*x....

  8. use contraceptives.

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