
Hi, do any of you have any children with autism and what type of therapy do they receive?

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Hi, do any of you have any children with autism and what type of therapy do they receive?




  1. speach therapy, occupational therapy, ABA,  and socialization therapy.

  2. My son is six and has been receiving special ed services since he was two. He currently is in an inclusion regular ed room, 90 minutes a day in the special ed room. OT 2X a week, Speech 2X a week, and adaptive phy ed. 2X a week. We of course work with him at home. But, have decided to not currently do more formal therapy outside of home. This is an attempt to simplify our lives and give him a chance to just be a kid.

  3. my son is 8 yrs.old.he has had 21 hours /week of aba with therapists for 3 years ..

  4. No, I have a son that is barely 2 yrs. but is only speech delayed. My 7 yr. is highly functioning Austic. He has his melt downs in school (behavorial problem) and does well most of the time. It is a day by day thing. Has been in school since he was 3 yrs. old. Insurance has refused to pay for behavorial help. I am looking for a program that will help him with his needs.


  5. My son is autistic and almost 4. We do Floortime therapy at our own expense. He receives occupational therapy x2 a week and speech 3 x a week at school. We have a private speech therapist once a week.

  6. My son has high functioning autism gets 1 hr speech and 30 mins OT weekly.

  7. My son is 6 and has been in special ed programs through our school district since the age of 3 (3x a week speech therapy, 2 x a week occupational therapy, which is small motor skills mostly).  We have also recently begun to try different sensory techniques with him, ie. brushing, light and sounds, tactile, etc.  He is on the milder side of the spectrum.  We try almost everything we read or hear about, and keep up the stuff that works for him.  Trial and error.  It is nice to have some one on one time with him.

  8. I have a 12 yo and a 10 yo with autism. Currently we utilize a natural setting reward system (NSRS) to encourage and continue developing personal, social and academic growth. Both received a lot of therapy at young ages, which was stressful. Preschool helped my 10 yo a bit, we also did ABA, floortime, DTT, OT, ST, and listening therapy. It was too much, as we started to weed back we found that they both did better with less.

    We then decided to homeschool them, and found that without people completely misinterpreting them and stressing them out all day, they didn't need any of that. So...we created our NSRS, so to speak, by consulting with a psychologist and SLP and OT once a month. They are doing wonderfully, my 12 yo appears nearly NT, and my 10 yo has progressed from a nonverbal self abusive child to one who can speak in complete sentences and share frustrations verbally. Of course, she just cut all her hair off, but she's happy!

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