
Hi, does anybody know about speech delay in todlers, i have 2?

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1/2 year old who has that problem and i'm getting her evaluated by a speech therapist but how can i help her more ? please share, thanks so much.




  1. I would talk to her as much as possible.  Encourage her to babble and make other sounds while playing.  Music instruments and microphones toys that create an echo are great, too.  

    The music instruments can be made with a plastic bottle and LARGE plastic beads (in case they spill).  A drum from a sturdy box.  (She'll probably sit on it.)  Then the microphone is usually less than a dollar or two.

  2. no

  3. Read to her. Talk to her.  Talk to her about the story. Does she watch TV??  Talk to her about the show. Give her a chance to talk.  Use puppets or pretend with her doll and stuffed animals for a conversation with all three of you.

    Also try teaching by singing nursery rhymes and the alphabet or numbers.  Counting things together is another.  Naming things as you are driving in the car and encouraging repeat or asking what is being seen.  Encourage talking.  My brother once responded to the family at age 3 1/2 --- No one asked me--   So he did not talk until some how someone asked him something where he had to answer at 3 1/2 and he hardly shut up since.

  4. talk to them all you can. and no matter what people say televison is not a bad thing. get a few baby einstein dvd's and play the same ones over and over. also, reading the same book over and over can help. my cousin was three and she had almost every one of her story books memorized because she had them read to her about four times a day.

    if it is just speech she is having trouble with then i wouldn't worry. if it is more than that then it could be something else. my cousin couldn't even sit up or turn over when she was one and the doctor wouldn't say what was wrong with her and now she is 22 and  she had to get an artificial heart valve.  

    Don't worry about anything like that though. just keep at it!

  5. I have a boy who started talking at 3.5 yr. I had experience all your anxious and worrying.

    What I recommend is:

    1: have the hearing test--to make sure this is not due to the hearing loss.

    2. Talk to your pediatric to refer to any specialty doctor for evaluation.

    3. Talk to township special education or early intervention. They will give your child a evaluation and they will provide a free speech therapy. (in most township)

    Meanwhile, talk to her as much as possible. I would recommend you play with her and keep talking to her and respond to her, rather than leaving her to the TV/DVDs. Because two-way communication is always more efficient than one-way communication(TV).

    When you play or talk with her, try to low you body to her level, try to let her see your mouth when you talk. Or when you talk about a toy, please move the toy close to your mouth, so she can see how you move your mouth to pronounce that word.

    When she wants something, like milk, don't give that to her immediately, try to encourage her to pop out the word, even that pronouceation is not clear. If she did so give her a big hug or some praise.

    Good luck.

  6. Some children develop language faster/slower than others.  Usually, as they get older, they catch up, even if it takes them longer as a toddler.  To encourage speech, read children's stories to her, and maybe even make labels for things such as door.  Encourage her to use words when she wants something.  Just don't go overboard and stress her talking a bunch, because that could hurt her.  My suggestion is to read to her, and lightly encourage her to talk.

  7. i have 2 little brothers with speech delay and learning delay.

    What i do is go over sounds and show them mouth movements with each letter. And to make it fun play games with her and if she accomplish the goal give her a peice of candy or her favorite snack.

    But most importantly is to not push her to hard because then she would lose alot of interest so go step by step and with her pace.

    hope this helps.

  8. my 2 little brothers only said a few words untill they were 4! the doctors said it was normal

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