
Hi, does anyone know how you transfer video from the canon md101 to the computer, ???

by  |  earlier

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i hav loads of vids on the camera but it didnt come with any software and i tried using an ie333 to usb converter and the comp did not recognise it so is there a way of connecting and transfering>????




  1. The Canon MD101 is a miniDV based camcorder. USB will not work when trying to transfer video from the miniDV tape.

    The DV port on the camcorder uses a 4-pin to 6-pin firewire cable to connect to the firewire port on your computer. The firewire port on your computer *might* be 4-pin. We can't see what you see. The firewire cable probably did not come in the box - you have to buy it separately. Firewire. i.Link and IEEE1394 are all the same thing (and are not USB... and it is likely a USB-Firewire converter will even work - the applications are looking for the firewire port).

    If your computer does not have a firewire port, they are cheap and east to add if you have an available PCI slot (desktop) or PCMCIA slot (laptop).

    You will import and edit with movieMaker (Windows) or iMovie (Macintosh).

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