
Hi, everyone. Why don't people like to travel and tour Vietnam ie. Milaria and Water borne illness?

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Hi, everyone. Why don't people like to travel and tour Vietnam ie. Milaria and Water borne illness?




  1. I think it is because people perceived Vietnam as how we see it in  war movies. Also they became fully Communist in the 70's and with the cold war running no one had the ability to travel to Communist countries through the eighties. It really has only been the last 7-10 years that Vietnam has opened up to the world. I think Vietnam needs to do some marketing to attract more tourists. I have a friend that goes to Vietnam for the EPA he loves it and says that it is very beautiful. Hopefully they will continue towards being a friendly place to go.

  2. Well I'd like to travel to Vietnam. It's spelled Malaria.

  3. First of all, i'll rephrase your sentence.  There are ppl who would like or has travelled to VN.  You cannot generalise the 1 or 2 who doesn't.  

    No matter which country you go to, theres always a good and bad... and unfortunately more in some.  

    Despites the war from 30+ years ago - the ppl/community there has built the cities back to life again, now VN is to be one of the top most fave tourist countries of SE Asia.  

    To me, you have to go there to find out for yourself.  Experience what you would never experience where you are now... one lesson i've learnt from my holiday there - is that living my life here in Aust. I've had taken many things for granted ... family, friends, job, life in general, respect and the most simple things in life... its a great eye opener.  

    Besides from all of that, its a beautiful country - beautiful scenery, all kinds of variety of food/fruits, shopping is heaven and if you're really worried about water... doesn't hurt to buy water bottles.. .they're not exp...

  4. While I generally love Vietnam and am visiting right now,,, There are a few things that irk me about the country...

    Why does EVERY single Vietnamese think that throwing garbage EVERYWHERE is an acceptable thing? I just spent the last two days cleaning my yard of all the garbage, paper, cigarette butts, etc that has accumulated since my last visit. HELLO !?!? How about throwing garbage in a GARBAGE CAN. It is really disheartening to go for a walk on a beautiful country path and see garbage everytime you look down.

    Another irritating thing is the truck and bus horns. They are louder than a space shuttle launch and the drivers seem to get a perverse pleasure from blasting them indescriminently. I have started wearing earplugs whenever I have to ride my motorbike somewhere.

    Lastly, Why do I have to negociate the price of EVERYTHING or risk being ripped off? Yes, I am aware that I am tall, white and fat, Yes, I am from America, but I'm not Bill Freakin Gates. With very few exceptions, I am ALWAYS charged more for goods or services. I usually don't mind because I love to rant, rave and curse and learning to do so in Vietnamese is a fun challenge, but Du Me!!! what I would do to just blend in and not have to guard my money like a rabid pit-bull on steriods.

    So, there you have it. I hope you are a big-shot in the Vn Government, Justin. I'd like to see you make some changes.

    Thanks for letting me rant and rave, dammit (and curse, too) lol

  5. it really depends on the person...Vietnam is very fun and beautiful to see!!! I was born there and went back at 12 years old. There are reasons why I wounldn't go back...I live in the south so your free to go anywhere, but in N. VM, your basically stuck... N. VM has beautiful sight seeing tho. Vietnam is a very poor place to be, the days are really burning HOT and when it rains, it goes up to your knees. The fear of illness from their products is a huge issue. Don't drink the water, because it's bad!! Vietnam is a great place to go, just the small minor things can be a problem. The grounds are really dirty, and there are many poor kids out following you around and asking you to buy lottery tickets and for money. Some people give you dirty looks, because you are "rich" in their eyes and get to live somewhere that has better opportunities. Your dollar in the US is worth alot more than their money. They can buy months of groceries with probably $2-3 of US money. It's hard for people that live there. If you go, make sure you know where and what you doing or going to see. Since I have family back there, they showed me beautiful and wonderful things that I love about Vietnam, but everywhere has their goods and bads. I think people to like to travel to Vietnam, but it's not really people's first choice when you have europe and tropical islands, so it all really depends on a person and what they want to discover in life. Plus the flight to Vietnam is really really really long!!! over 13 hours!!!! on the plane alone!!! So the price for flight is very very expensive!!!

  6. Your question does not make sence,peole DO like to travel to Vietnam,in there millions,also if you look on the WHO website it says there is no Malaria in the citys and costal regions of Vietnam.Facts i know to be true as i live there.

  7. I always like to travel to Vietnam. I didn't have any problems when I visited there last time.

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