
Hi, guys...please share ur ideas..?

by  |  earlier

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do you have any idea on new alternative energy can be comercialised or invent to replace the usage of petroleum fuel? or anything u wan to share related wif da matter; to reduce petroleum esage......tq.:)




  1. The best thing would be to switch to electric cars.  Then you wouldn't need nearly as much petroleum.  The technology is there for electric cars, it's just that the batteries are a bit too expensive now.  But they'll get cheaper soon.  I predict that we'll all have a car that's at least partly driven by electricity by 2020.

  2. We already have the technology but not many people know about it. It's called natural gas cars. I have 2 of them and they were made by Ford several years ago. They don't use any gasoline at all, only natural gas, also known as methane. Honda also makes one, the Honda Civic GX. They run cleaner and way cheaper than regular cars. I can fill up at the pump for $10, no kidding. Look at my sources and see if there's a filling station anywhere near you. If there is, I highly recommend buying a natural gas car. They're great!

  3. It makes no difference if it is alternative fuel or fossil fuel ,as they will produce the same amount of CO2 if the hp. load is the same. The power comes from the oxidation of C...

  4. Yes check out


  5. the best and simplest way is not alternative enegry. its changing lifestyles. people need to carpool, or better yet take public transportation. busses and trains are some the best things for the envrionemnt. walk when can, bike when its farther and take trains when you have to. just think, if 3 people carpooled in one car instead of driving 3 they could reduce thier carbon footprint by 66%.

    as people change thier lifestyles, if gives renewable technology the time it needs to become cost efficient.

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