
Hi, how can I watch Lost through my computer to my tv using the full episode viewer?

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I like to watch lost on my laptop through the ABC website. I would like to play it through my laptop onto my tv using an S-video cable. Does anyone know how to do this?




  1. The first thing you need is a laptop with an S-Video cable port; if you can't get the s-video cable into the laptop, you'll have to try something else. Assuming your laptop has such a port, I'll continue.

    Turn off the computer. Plug the cable into the television and the laptop. Turn on the computer. Determine which TV channel displays the laptop screen (it'll look like your computer's wallpaper, but might/might not have any of the icons). This might be called Aux/Video 1/ Video 2/something else. Go to that channel

    On your computer, go to control panel, then display properties, then the settings tab. Uncheck (or leave unchecked) the box that says "Extend my windows desktop onto this monitor." Click apply. If you can see the same thing on your television and your laptop, close it; otherwise, check the box and click OK.

    Open your browser, and watch it as you normally would watch a streaming video, but on television.

  2. You can do this with a few signal converters. I'd suggest looking at Tiger Direct. You can buy an RGB to multiple output converter at which is somewhat expensive, or if your TV supports RGB input, you can buy an RGB to RGB cable at but just know that although you could get any of them, I would choose from the first two.

    For both of these options (the RGB to S-video converter or the RGB to RGB cable) you will need to decide how to deal with audio. You can choose to keep the sound playing from your PC or you can route it into your TV. If you want to route it into your TV you will need another cable, a stereo to stereo male/male type cable. you can get one at or where the only difference is that the first one is 12 feet and the second one is 25 feet. Just a note: if you get the RGB to S-Video converter you will not need an RGB to RGB cable to connect to the VGA input of the converter; it comes with one.

    If you want a fancier item to put your screen on your TV go with the RGB to S-video converter; it comes with a remote control and a variety of outputs; if you want a cheaper item and your TV supports RGB input, go with the RGB to RGB cable.

    Good luck!


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