
Hi, how do you train your puppy or when he starts to get older, to walk with me not on a leash.?

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I walk to school every morning and in the park i walk through people are walking their dogs not on leashes and they just follow them and don't run away. I want to train my dog to do this when he gets older after we get him on sunday, so he can fetch and have fun.




  1. well this is possible but i'd jus thought id warn you

    of you are going to teach your dog to walk unleashed beside you make sure that the release cue that u use when giving her a meal isnt a frequent word u'd use.

    heres an example of what could happen if you used the word "ok"

    your dogs walking beside you unleashed and your phone rings and you answer it, if in your conversation you say "ok" the dog may suddenly bolt and get hit by a car.

    use words like click, addease even p**s off if you wanted aslong as you dont use something in everyday language.  

  2. I think that a well trained dog deserves special privileges like walking

    off leash. I walk my German shepherd puppy off leash in the parks

    all the time. I would never consider doing this near traffic though

    because he does have a high prey drive and just loves to go after the

    squirrels. I can however walk him through a group of people off leash

    and he will heel at my side.

    First off you have to train him to heel on leash, after that it is a piece

    of cake. ( you didn't say if he heels on leash or not, I assume that he

    does).  With your dog off leash hold a treat in your hand with one

    finger pointing to the ground at your side, start walking and tell him

    to heel. He will follow the treat. After a few steps praise him and give

    him the treat. Just keep increasing the distance before you give him

    the treat and before you know it he will be a natural.

    Before I would let him walk off leash around other dogs make sure

    he knows a few other commands, like stop, stay and come, and

    obeys them. Mine is still a puppy and is very curious, so before

    getting too close to other dogs I make him sit for a second then tell

    him to heel as we start walking again. It seems to get his mind off

    the other dog and back to me. Hope this helps and enjoy your walks.

  3. personally i wouldn't recommend this.  My friend's dog is always being chased by dogs who's owners don't have them on a leash.  Also you run the risk of them running into the road/up to a nervous child/after other dogs etc etc..   dogs are animals and are unpredictable .

    Be a responsible owner and unless you are on your own i would keep him on a leash.  

  4. well you could get a whistle and every time you blow in it give him a treat eventually he will associate whistle with treat and will come running every time you whistle, and just gradually take the treats away.  


    if she is talking about like the park then it's fine otherwise i agree with you guys.

  5. Why would you want to break the leash law like that?  Be the responsible pet owner and keep the pet on a leash.

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