
Hi, i am doing a degree in risk management and insurance. but i have a great interest in plains.?

by  |  earlier

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is there anyway i can link these two in order to get a job i would love?




  1. im sure their is employemtn at airports. plane manufacturers.. gander around the relevant websites , im sure you'll ifnd something

  2. Do you mean airplains or grass planes?

  3. Risk management and insurance are very relevant in the air plane industry. With risk management you manage the risks, obstacles and concerns that are necessary for the airline to complete and arrived safely its journey. Insurance to insure passengers if there is any untoward incidence or accident during the journey.

  4. The money is in selling insurance to plane owners, small airports, and that sort of thing.  You might Google insurance brokers in your area and see who sells aircraft insurance.   You could apply to work in a brokerage like that and learn the business as an account manager and move up to broker.  Or, find out which insurance companies write aircraft insurance and look into working for one of them as an underwriter.  Good luck.

  5. Aviation insurance is your obvious way to go.


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