
Hi, i got offer for 125K in perth? is it enough to save and live in perth?

by  |  earlier

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Pls explain how much i have to pay for taxes?

What will be rent?

How much does it cost indian grocery?




  1. $125,000 is a very decent salary for living in perth. My husband can only get $65k in perth as a graduate engineer (thats why we had to move to Newman WA!!! look it up, its far away lol) so you would be twice as better off. Tax on your salary below $70000 or 75000 is about 20% and after that it becomes more like 40% so a bit of a rip. Rent will be around $300 a week in a medium area, indian groceries I have no idea but probably not too much : )

    The person who said living expenses are high is correct. My husband earns $85,000 and we cannot afford to buy a house and in fact we havent even managed to save any money. On $125k you should be making it fine though, except you WILL get taxed the c**p out of

  2. You can live very nicely on 35K per year. so relax and enjoy.

  3. I wana know who offered you that much! lol! ... 125 is a great wage for Perth no matter what your job is! my partner is pretty much the same and we comfortably pay off our house, save and still spoil ourselves! I would guess you'd be looking at about 7,000 after tax a month pay perhaps a little more!! rent varies hugley depending where you want to live(have a look at he link below) but groceries are fairly priced with lots of variety! =)

  4. You'll be very comfortable on 125k and should be able to accumulate some good savings. After tax, you'll take home around 87k though that will change (for the better) next financial year.

    Rent will be around $250/$300 pw - less if you share

    Say another $100 for Indian groceries.

  5. Perth has become quite a bit more expensive with the mining boom, but you will still be living very comfortably off a 125k salary.

  6. $125k is a great wage, especially in Perth as it is not as expensive as other states

  7. Right now Perth rent is huge!!! We get $550 a week for our house.

    Average rent is around $350 to $400 a week. Petrol is huge getting up to $2p/L. We have huge stamp duty on cars which sucks. Lots of my friends have gone over east to by them.

    Weekly shop will be around $200 a week.

    We just had that gas plant up north die it will take about 6 months to a year to get back on line completely. So I don't know what that will do to power prices. Water prices are creeping up.

    We have GST but it's already added into the price of what you buy so you don't really notice.

    Please don't listen to those people who say it's cheap there. I know Families really struggling on 80K a year.

  8. I hope that is dollars and not rupee!

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