
Hi, i have a problem! Whenever i get too stressed i start to twich and i also pinch myself to gain control.

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This has been going on since i was a teen and i think i have some type of anxiety disorder. Seen a couple people as a teen and tried anti anxiety pills when i was younger which didnt go well, i actually became worse. Also ive had a lot of trouble sleeping. All of my issues started to become present when i was a teen. Can anyone direct me to an appropriate website that can help or do you have any of these problems or know someone that does? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. When you notice yourself feeling like twitching or wanting to pinch yourself, ask yourself, "What is making me feel so stressed right now?"

    Concentrate on what the stress is instead of your body reacting automatically.  Think of ways you can resolve the stress or help yourself feel better.  You can also try to relax all your muscles.

    Try breathing deeply and slowly.  Let go of any tension in your body.

    Let your mind go blank.  I hope this will help.  If you continue to have problems and they do not go away, you could think about seeing a therapist or psychiatrist.   Good Luck.

  2. Have you tried talking to a psychiatrist? Or trying a different type of drug such as an antidepressant (im on an antidepressant for anxiety)? I've never heard of this kind of anxiety but im sure theres stuff out there for it. Good luck!

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