
Hi, i have bought a nice long comfortable dog house and put a bed in it, will my puppy start sleeping in it?

by  |  earlier

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When I get him on sunday should I put him outside first night and let him get used to the house or take the bed out and let him sleep in the garage,





  1. why would yuh get a puppy tio throw it outside or in the garage

  2. I wouldn't put him out first thing (6 weeks?)

    I would crate him inside the house... and then take him outside during the day.

    It is really HOT here so is it very hot were you are?

    Make sure to provide a lot of water for it..

    and IF you are going to put it out at night then expect it to cry a lot!

    If you opt for the garage I would put the dog house in there for it.  (a sort of crate)

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