
Hi, i have just got a new chicken with 11 chicks...?

by  |  earlier

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she doesn't seem to want to go into the chicken house with the others, do you think it might be because she thinks the other chickens will be a threat?? any ideas on how to encourage her to go inside?

thank you





  1. eat her

  2. You have a chicken with 11 baby chickens? She may not want to get her babies near the other ones. They can be mean to them at times. I was recently in the same situation and just left mom out with her babies. They stayed under the house and were fine.

  3. If you seperated her from the others for awhile,you have to reintergrate her again.

      Anytime I get new hens,I keep ALL of my hens in the place where I want them to go at night and I keep them there for a minimum of 3 days then when I let them out this will be the place where the new ones will go at night.

       I do not recommend putting the hen with the other hens/roosters with her clutch of chicks. . . . other hens will hurt and or kill the chicks as will the rooster.

       My recent hen hatched out 2 chicks on the same day but when the rest of the eggs started to hatch (laid in the nest by other hens) she started to peck the eggs  as they started to hatch and I was afraid she would kill the new hatchlings so I took them away from her.

       A couple of days later I took those chicks away from  the hen and placed them with the other chicks for a few minutes and then tried to reintergrate  all of the chicks.  She took  on the two she had and grabbed up the newer chicks and tried to shake them so now raising those chicks by themselves.

  4. You need to catch her and put her in a kennel or cage and place it in the chicken house. Let her spend the night for a week or 2 in the house and then let her go and she should stay in, if not do it again. Once you have her caged take away her chicks and put them into a big box with a heat lamp over it. Buy chick feed at any farm store, they should also sell chicken feeders and waterers for the chickies. You HAVE to take them away or they WILL die from predators or other chickens. Good luck!

  5. Your hen will be extremely apprehensive about taking her chicks into

    1. New surroundings

    2. surrounding them with other chickens that she doesn't know or trust.

    Your hen is in strange surroundings and probably feeling extremely anxious can you not keep her separate with her babies until she feels a Little more settled?

    I usually separate mine it just saves any tension and gives mom (especially if she is new to this)time to settle.

    Good luck x

  6. it can take a day or to to "bond". she will protect her young with her life if a good mother, so much easier if she keeps her young away from the others till the young know her from the rest. if you are cold you go under mum - go under the wrong mum and one peck could kill you. if she has cover to shelter from the weather let her do what is natural

  7. We always keep our chicks and mums seperate from the rest of the flock because the others attack the chicks.  Keep them in an ark until the hen wants to come out (they'll be about six - eight weeks by then) then keep the chicks in the ark til they are almost full grown, or they'll be attacked.

    I don't like to seperate the hen from her chicks, the chicks always grow healthier and faster with their mum in my experiance.

  8. Cook it...roast would be nice

  9. If the chicks are young she wants to protect them from the older ones.You shouldnt put the babies in with the older ones because they will pick on them and possibly kill them.Mom is right to be wary.Put the mom and babies in a pen by their selves once the chicks are older you can try to introduce mom in the pen with the others,gut not the chicks until they are as big as the others.Good Luck!

  10. The mother hen is protecting her chicks.  You can keep them all in a cage and then in the chicken house.  Otherwise just keep them somewhere separately until they grow a little more.

  11. put the chicks inside the house and she'll have to follow in

    or only put food inside the house, but if it gets to the point where you can see her bones and stuff, start feeding her again.

  12. Congrats that's the dinner sorted for X-Mass lol

  13. you have done the transition to quick ...also the chicken herself is new to your place and has never met your chickens before.. so she is hesitant and probably quite bewildered .. don't put her in with them yet  .. or there will be fighting .. blood loss and the other chickens will all become stressed and the chicks will be picked on ....

    you need to keep them on their own *mother and chicks for another few weeks and then everyday let them go and "visit" the other chickens" but bring them back to their own place ... after a week or two (or whenever the chickens are all comfortable with each-other .. ) that way they will slowly establish a pecking order between them .....

    you can then let them with them .and Only then and even then there will likely be a few minor squabbles with mummy hen but as long as they are all OK (no blood etc) it'll be fine ...

    also when they do move in ... have some extra feeders and drinkers so you can be sure the young ones will all get food and water ... also make sure the house /or run is not crowded .. they'll leed to numerous problems .. like stress .. feather pecking and egg-eating  and squabbbling and also lack of egg production

    Goood Luck

    It takes time but it'll work

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