
Hi, i m a boy of 5"5' and want to add little more height like 5"8' can i do that. Does cycling..

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Hi, i m a boy of 5"5' and want to add little more height like 5"8' can i do that. Does cycling..




  1. Your time will come. You'll grow when it's time. Try and be patient.

  2. The best way to be tall is to pick tall parents. Sorry 'bout that. Eating a well-balanced diet, with maybe a daily multi-vitamin, just to be sure you are getting enough nutrients during your 'formative years' is the best way to be as tall as your genetics will let you be.

    It's normal for most people to lose an inch or so of height during the course of a normal day, due to compression of the disks in the spinal column. A good night's rest 'fluffs' them back up, making them ready for the next day! Moral: measure youself in the morning!

  3. Cycling, professional cycling, that is, actually compresses the body's spine. Lance Armstrong is 5'10'', and after a competition has been measured at 5'9''.

    So, if you want to go down to 5'4", then start cycling.

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