
Hi, i need some advice! Im almost 14 and i absolutely hate my skin.?

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i have pimples and blackheads, some can get quite large and painful, but what really freaks me out is my large pores. Today i was looking in the car mirror and i looked like a grandma, my skin just looked really old and ugly. I have been using the cetaphil oily facial cleanser for about 2 weeks and a natural moisturizer (with rose hip oil) is this alright? I have sensitive skin so i always want something gentle lol...

also, will my skin get better over time? I mean once im not a teenager? i don't want to be a kid with skin worse than my mum.




  1. keep all makeup off for a few days, a week at least.

    if you carry on cleaning it, it should clear

    i have the same problem at the moment

    what im using is TCP, sudocrem and baby wipes

    apply the TCP to the pimples using a baby wipe

    (it might sting abit but it wears off after around 2 minutes)

    then add sudocrem on top and leave it for around an hour

    afterwards wipe it off with a baby wipe

    carry this on for a few days and it should clear, if not go to a doctor

    hope this helps :)

  2. use proactive

    i dont use it cause my skin is naturally good but i have several friends who have been miraculously cured by it

  3. Honey and lemon helps to remove acne marks. I have been using it and mine are almost gone. Apply it every morning and evening for 15 minutes and then wash it off... if irritation occurs then don't use should work though.

  4. Hey :] My skin used to be like that not long ago. I'm 15 and for the past 3 years I used blackhead cleansers... all kinds of drugstore pimple stuff... proactive and the like... oil removing wash stuff. Pretty much everything. But nothing really worked... the things i used kind of worked. You have to know this - if bad skin/acne problems run in your family, go and see the doctor now. Especially if you are starting to get some cystic acne things... the bigger pimples that dont make a head.

    My acne has gotten worse over the past 6 months. A lot worse. It's not terrible, but embarrassing enough. And since i'm not living with my parents right now, they didn't realise or they would have sent me to a doctor sooner. But when my mum came back to visit she made me go. He gave me prescriptions for 2 different creams.. one for morning and one for night, and put me on the pill. That was only a month ago, it's definitely not all gone, but i dont have to wear makeup to school anymore. So i'm happy :] I suggest you see your doctor... you dont necessarily have to see a dermatologist. Since you have sensitive skin, your doctor will probably prescribe different things for you. And make sure you exfoliate twice a day. I don't care if people say you shouldn't... it gets rid of all the dead skin. Good luck.  

  5. I had the same problem all the kids in my class called me pimple face and it was really hard to find the right skin stuff but ive found these wipes clean & clear facial wipes and they r really good give them ago Ps don't scratch your pimples open b4 you use them it kinda stings

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