
Hi, im 16 and currently attempting Highers..also known as A lvls (yrs 16-18) i have fallen behind......?

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quite significantly, i started the school in June..the start of the 5th year term..i went to a residential school before (8yrs in residential/boarding schools) iv become institutionalized because of this, iv been so used to information being "spoon fed" to me that I'm struggling with the high demand of highers and all the essays, a lot of which iv forgotten..i did very well in standard grades... i got all 1's and 2's, but it seems such a big jump to highers....and iv become so lazy and institutionalised over the years, i forgot to pick up a book which we were meant to read over the summer then write an essay based on it, i want to do well but not sure if i can cope with the school or if iv failed already, what other options are there, any other ways to gain access to uni etc....please help




  1. I don't know about where  you live but here in UK adults can enter Uni with no academics PROVIDING that they sit & pass an entrance exam.

    I don't think you would want to wait that long though - it would be such a terrible waste of your young life.

    How about getting your head down & doing what you need to do - have a good career, prospects & money. Best wishes. UK

  2. You haven't failed. No one can fail highers before even really starting. You might be in *trouble* - (if there's still time before term starts, do an all-nighter, just so you have something to hand in) -  but you can catch up. There may be other ways to get into Uni - but given Uni's are being over-subscribes as it is, there are less now than ever - an even if you can... Uni is the exact opposite of being spoon-fed work. If you are right about being used to it, then you NEED highers in order to learn how to do it. It's that halfway stage. You'll get less help at Uni, usually. Now is a good time to change old habits. Then, if a year later it's still not working, you can still consider alternatives, you haven't lost any choices after a year.

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