
Hi, is there a specific visa to poland or shall i get the european union kind of visa?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going to poland on august and i'm not sure what kind of visa shall i get? i'm going there as part of a student exchange program. for one month only. so shall i get the tourist or student visa? and i'm not sure we have a polish embassy here in kuwait so how do i find out if there's one here or not and if there isn't. what do i do :S?




  1. They accept American Visa..

  2. If you're going for school I think you get a student visa. That's what I did when I went to India. You have to ask the person running the program cause I don't know how it's done in Kuwait.

  3. check out this link

  4. Well if you are going to stay longer in Poland you have to apply for Polish visa. There is nothing like "European union visa", Poland is the member of Schengen treaty, which means that once you have a visa to one of EU countries, you can travel freely to other countries as well. But if you're flying directly to Poland, I guess you need Polish visa.

    Regarding the Embassy - there is Polish embassy (or consulate, I'm not sure) in Kuwait!!! I found the following info:

    Embassy / High Comission / Consulate for Kuwait

    Office :   Embassy  

    Street Address :   Area No 8, Street No. 20, House No. 377

    Postal Address :   PO Box 5066

    ZIP Code :   13501

    City :   Safat

    State :   Safat

    Country :   Kuwait

    Telephone :   (+965) 5311571, 5311572

    Faximile :   (+965) 5311576, 5311578

    Email :

    Website :

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