
Hi, my name is Barack Obama and I have absolutely NO QUALIFICATIONS for the Presidency; is that okay with you?

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Hi, my name is Barack Obama and I have absolutely NO QUALIFICATIONS for the Presidency; is that okay with you?




  1. Puppets don't need any mate.

  2. Well Obama has enough experience for him, knows the issues in and out and has been proven to handle the political circles much better than your average "experienced" politician. But listen what McCain says when Palin's experience is questioned, after forcing the same agenda down our throats for the whole election - only directed at Barack Obama!

    On FOX News Sunday:

    WALLACE: But Senator, you talked about her years of experience. Ten of those years were as a city councilwoman and mayor of a town of 9,800 people. And in terms of foreign policy, in March of 2007, after — two months after the surge had started, she was asked about it, and she said, “I’ve been focused on state government. I haven’t focused on the war in Iraq.” Understandable for a governor; not understandable for a vice president.

    MCCAIN: Well, by the way, also she was a member of the PTA. I think it’s wonderful. But the point is she’s been to Kuwait. She’s been over there. She’s been with her troops. The National Guard that she commands, who had been over there and had the experience. I’m proud of her knowledge of these challenges and issues.

    And of course, as governor she has had enormous responsibilities, none of which Senator Obama had. He — when she was in government, he was a community organizer. When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting “president” 130 times in the state legislature, on every tough issue that ever was, while she was taking them on. That’s the kind of judgment that I’m confident that we need in Washington.

  3. Yes. All that counts is that (1) you seem like a nice guy (2) you're black and (3) you associate with wachos, frauds, reverse-racists, and traitors such as Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, and Jesse Jackson. And you have a wife who is proud to be American for the first time in her adult like.  

  4. ABSOLUTELY!!  Also, can you please go to a church for 20yrs and say you never understood what your Rev. was preaching?  Can you also sit on a board with William Ayers and announce that you are running for office FROM HIS HOME?  CAN YOU DO THAT FOR ME PLEASE!!!

  5. Compared to another Incompetent Repub. bent on Bush's failed ideas and Repub. failed policies

    I think I'll take my chances with Obama

    rather than taking the known repercussions of a McCain presidency

  6. considering the other choice then yes I will take my chance with you.

  7. Since you are so qualify to judge then tell me what are the qualifications for becoming President?  Then tell me what were the Qualifications of say George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, and Abe Lincoln?  Finally, based on what we have experienced over the past 8 years of republican rule how can you judge anybody as not qualified?

  8. Yes because the last eight years have been a disaster and the republicans have been running the show! OBAMA 2008!!!

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