
Hi, my name is maria, ?

by  |  earlier

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I would want to know new people, even to londra or to new york! Even a family that entertains me to learn the English language, who is prepared? I am Italian, polite and sociable... Would I want to work to the foreign countries besides, do I like to sing, where do you/they do him some test-tubes? Joke! However do I believe that apart x factor there will be qualcos'altro no? How much do you/they pay an employee to londra? What done requisition they ask? How much they cost you rent him and mutual?




  1. I am seriously not being personal here..but you will have to learn better English if you plan to be able to live and work in England without contacts or a place to live. No way can you ask on here for either or's inappropriate and maybe dangerous.

  2. Your accent whilst typing is adorable! I couldn't understand the last four questions (you said something about test tubes and The X Factor?) but you seem like a really lovely person. What is it that you're looking for? English friends, a job in England or what? My e-mail address is, if you want to learn English. I know a little Italian and I'm good at teaching, too!


    Il tuo accento, mentre digitando è adorabile! Non riuscivo a capire le ultime quattro domande (lei ha detto qualcosa in merito provette e The X Factor?), Ma lei sembra davvero come una bella persona. Che cosa stai cercando? English amici, un posto di lavoro in Inghilterra o cosa? Il mio indirizzo e-mail è, se volete imparare l'inglese. So un po 'di italiano e sono a buon insegnamento, troppo!

  3. I can't really understand, other than you want to stay at a host family's house to learn better english. but quite a bit of the message was wrong or in itallian.

    londra = London

    i don't understand the bit about test tubes though

  4. I admire your ambition and you seem very amiable. However I have tried several times to read this question and it is very hard to work out what exactly you are asking.

    I can answer this: How much you could get paid in London depends upon what job you are doing, and I am sad to say that I doubt you would find an interesting job, simply because your English requires a little effort to understand. Also, rent in London is very high.

    I just searched on Yahoo! and I found this website which could help you:

    Apparently it is for Italians who wish to come and work in London. It may prove useful.

    Good luck!

  5. You sound lovely haha! Don't bother with London or New York come and stay in York where I am  :-)

  6. Hi Maria,

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    1) Yes you would.

    2) Yes you do.

    3) Test tubes are found in laboratory environments.

    4) X Factor is the brain child of a man who's trousers do not fit.

    5) On average, £7 an hour.

    6) They ask for blood.

    7) You can rent him, but he'll cost more than £7 per hour.

    Thanks for calling.

  7. Dearie! I hate to tell you but this question is Incomprehensible... la tua domanda non ha significato in inglese.  

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