
Hi, my sister has ovarian cancer, it was caught early but her WBC and platelets are low.Any suggestions ?

by  |  earlier

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I think that the first 3 answers that I received from this forum were sarcastic,rude and showed disrespect to my sister and myself. If you do not have anything "smart" to say, do not just write anything because it makes you look stupid and that would be very embarrasing (just like my spelling sometimes) to you.




  1. Ya... see a doctor!

  2. Traditional medicine is her only hope. Be serious.

  3. I'm terribly sorry.

    I really hope that your sister gets better.

    And to those people who answered before me shame on you.

    I really have no idea what to tell you.

    Try getting a vaccine to prevent you from getting it.  

  4. Macrobiotic diets are said to help greatly with cancer, whether or not the person chooses to get conventional treatment.  Apparently the results are amazing because the macrobiotic way of eating is so healthy and nutritious.  I tried the diet just for general health, the food is great but there is cooking skill involved.  If you live in the city the Whole Foods and natural foods stores will have the food already ready and you can eat macrobiotic without having to make too much of the food at home. Or various websites will link to where they offer classes in the macrobiotic way of cooking that would probably help if she or a family member is able, I probably would have stuck to it more if I was a good cook or took the classes or lived in the city.  

  5. Hi there, congrats to your sister for having this awful disease found early. There are many reasons for WBC and platelet counts to be low, so it's hard to say what could be the problem. Did she have surgery and undergo chemo? Chemo will cause this but it will sort itself out once the chemo is done. What does her doctor say is the reason for the low counts?

    Again, best wishes to your sister.  

  6. operate on her yourself...that way u wont have to pay any bills...just use ur kitchen utensils...good luck

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