
Hi, my son is three years old and he was tested at school, the school told me that he has no motor skills.?

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i work with him every day and now he is catching on. his motor skills is showing alot of improvement. anymore suggestions on what i should do. he also had surgery when he was two days old and i really think the anathesia has alot to do with my son's development




  1. Surely he has SOME!  Perhaps they said that his GROSS or FINE motor skills were developmentally delayed.  No motor skills would mean that he can do virtually nothing!

  2. When I was younger, I was told I had severely lacking motor skills but I now have very elegant handwritting, balance and everything else associated with such matters, I just have really bad ADD. But I'm a fully functioning member of society and happy as anyone so I know that doesn't answer your question except to say that there's HOPE.

  3. i am not a Dr. but you can teach your son motor skills by playing with him and spending time teaching him motor skills simply by playing catch with him or other games that require these skills give him as much attention as you can i did with my grandson and he is now one of the best players on his little league baseball team. at 3 he couldn't throw or catch anything, i spent time with him, have patents,it will come

  4. You should think about pulling your son out of a school that tests children but doesn't work with their individual needs to help them excel.  Work with him yourself or find a place for him to be where he will get the "therapy" he needs.  You should also call your local school district or local Easter Seals and ask what group in your area handles "early intervention" he might qualify for a trained physical or occupational therapist to work with him at your home.

  5. You are doing the right thing - spending quality time with him everyday, that is really wonderful.  Go to the park with him and play ball, that's a very good activity.  Let him join a swimming club, that's also good

    Good luck

  6. Hello. I had asked a similar question to yours earlier in the week. Well your son is only 3 and there already diagnosing him? Schools these days so quick to diagnose and medicate. I say continue to work with him one on one. Kids love to learn my intimidation. Take things slow of that's what he needs, children can learn , but they need to do it on there terms otherwise it might not stick. Also, Id consider getting a second option before they put that down in writing about your son. Sometimes kids need to get hearing and vision tests done, sometimes if there is something affecting him, It can make it harder to learn and comprehended. Read to him everyday, I can't tell you on invaluable that has been to my children, and me as a parent. Also I will include a website that helped me and my kids. Good Luck.

  7. all kids have some motor skill development. what specifically is your son showing delays with in motor development? fine motor?  (holding a crayon, cutting w/ scissors, stringing beads on a string, putting together a puzzle, picking up finger foods, picking up a bead with a finger grasp)  then there is gross motor (large muscles, like walking, running, jumping, crawling) what does the school suggest? physical or occupational therapy or both? home activities. run your child to your pediatritian. if you are in the US, you can sign your child up for Head Start fro free. or your local public school may have a preschool program.

  8. are some things that you could do with your son for gross motor

    playing catch with a ball

    walking on a balance beam (we used a1x8 to start and as our son progressed we went to a 1x6 piece of wood)

    work on going up and down stairs

    set things on the floor for him to step over (never a problem with that in our

    take a old hose and make a zig zag  have your son step over it kind of like a hop scotch

    get one of those really big balls, have him sit on it and then lay back, with your hands on his hips at first (as he gets better you can move your hands down to his thighs) have him try and sit up this will build the muscles in his stomach and sides .

    also if he doesn't know how to jump invest in a small exercise trampoline (works well).

    fine motor skills:

    have him pick up small objects like dried beans, penny's (if he doesn't put in his mouth) this will help with his pincher grasp

    puzzles with the small hand grips on them

    basic coloring side to side is usually first, then up and down, then circles

    placing beads on a string (melissa&doug toys have this and it is excellent)

    lacing shoe strings onto a board (another melissa & doug toy)

    placing pegs into a board

    unscrewing tops off of old plastic jars or bottles

    I think it is awesome that you are doing this to help your sound like a great mom! I have a question for you....when you took your son in to be tested by the school, did they offer to have him tested by physical and occupational therapist?  if they did not....tell them you want it done. if this is a pre-school they don't do that... but if it is a regular school they are required to....I don't know where you live, but here in Wisconsin it is an obligation of the school district to offer therapies if it is might want to contact your school district office and ask to have this done. if you have any questions feel free to email me...maybe I can help in some way....

  9. Don't worry.  When I was young, I was the first born, I did not speak very well until I was older.  If he is showing improvement, then he will be ok!  Good Luck with everything!

  10. Since the school informed you of this, it is their responsibility to provide physical therapy for your son.

  11. Im not sure whether u mean gross motor skill, fine motor skills or both. Im a fully qualified nursery nurse n there is so much i can recommend but not on here sorry. If it is fine motor skills, then sit down n draw with him, get him to try to join dots. Or u could even try the montessori method by getting sandpaper letters n numbers maybe he might pick up from a different sense as u feel these then try n write. (look into this)

    If it is gross motor then this is easy, try going out to the park more often, make obsticle courses at home with n e thing he can climb over or under. Try kicking a ball around with him, or even playing with a bat n ball, this will enhance his hand n eye co-ordination.

    Children r hard work he just may need a lil more one on one attention from u, I know its hard n tiring as i have a 2 n a half yr old n a house to look after n im trying to study too.

    Good luck n if u have n problems email me ill be happy to help n give u more specific ideas if u tell me more.

  12. motor skills come slow for some kids, don't believe what the test result indicated or said.

  13. I would take him to his pediatrician and have him professionally assessed.There are many questions? ask about the anesthesia, also was he premature? If he is behind they could provide physical therapy, this will help with the muscles that are not as well developed.This will help you work with him at home by having the knowledge of what specific therapies will help him improve over time.

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