
Hi, what small/medium scale business can you recommend? and how mch would it cost?

by Guest58965  |  earlier

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my husband and i were thinking of building a small/medium scale business here in manila. can you give us suggestion and ideal capital for that?




  1. The best thing you can do in Manila is doing contract work for a company in the US or a rich European nation and use the cheap labor to manufacture or create items they sell. You could also manufacture your own items and seek to export them, but it's hard to know what to produce when you don't know the markets in another country. Capitol might be arranged through a company who needs manufacture to start your business, but frankly Philippine business has a bad reputation of going for a quick rip off, so it might be hard to arrange that.  

    You could make sporting goods and sell them on ebay for a time to get established. Pet products are also a very good selling category in the US.

    As I recall capitol in the PI is expensive because the interest rates are crazy. It's better to start small with a situation with low over head, or get a partner with money.

  2. I know of a small business you could start without spending a dime. E-mail me for more info

  3. well if your planning on building a shop or something i cant help you

    but you can join a multiple level marketing computer business which costs a small amount of investment but once it gets going it gets very prosperous  there is a business called o4 i recommend this one over others if you want a link then you can go here

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