
Hi,I'm 14 and weigh about 180 pounds but its all because of the muscle.I'm 5,6 and after i come back from

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vacation at Puerto Rico,then i am gonna join boxing.before i join can you tell me what can be the hardest thing to do in training.also what can i worry about if i fight some one?




  1. Your gonna find it very physically exhausting because it is. It requires a lot of physical and mentel stamina especially for somone whom is supposably muscle bound... Unless of course you've done a lot of anerobic and explosive workouts before now. In a fight, you can expect to get hurt, for your head to feel like a speedball, and for the next day to have a splitting headache, but with a lil luck you'll be better than that so you'll not be in as much discomfort.

  2. u can use me as a punching bag, but plz punch to the face

  3. you said that you have muscles. that's great but there are two types of muscles. The once for showing like bodybuilders and the once for power like boxers. If you have the second once you are on the right way but if you have the first one do exercises for power

  4. dude your going to be punished @ that weight, im the same height and when i went to square ring(roy jones gym) when i was fifteen i was 165(12% body fat, former wreslter and i lifted weights). my own weight stole my stamina, i was like a punching bag for all the kids who had been boxing for 5-8 years my age! best thing for your height is to lose some weight. maybe only do some cardio from know on. look at vinny pazienza and look at his career. your gonna have to get inside to win a fight, which means take damage to give damage, go for the ribs and stomach or a upper-cut. good luck.

  5. Im the same height and i weight 140 to 145 and i fight at 132. Thats way to short to fight at anything above 140. and 140 is pushing it for that height. For now dont worry about fighting anyone. If you never trained before than you got a long ways to go ( not trying to be negative, but its true). Most people who never boxed really dont have a clue about how much technique and conditioning you need to even be ready for normal everyday sparring let alone a fight.

    Muscles are no good in boxing. Natural lean muscle is fine. Bulk is useless. It makes you slow, tired, and makes it impossible to sit behind your guard because your elbows stick out leaving your body open at all times.

    After you get some decent conditioning which will take months, even if you are athletic, you will also need to learn technique. Which many coaches say it takes a minimal of 4 years to learn everything you need to know.

    You will also have to learn how to handle it when someone is throwing punchs at you. No one comes in the ring and feels comfortable with punches being thrown at them especially newer boxers. Once you get scared or your adrenaline kicks in your stanima will be cut by a 1/3.

    Your only 14 so if you wanna do this sport do it right. Dont rush it because all you will do is get your *** kicked. This sport is forgiven and you really need to get the right training and stick with it just to be decent at it.

  6. Mr.Kanhan got it right

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