
Hi,guys who can answers me?what kind of message your clothes send to others adout who you are?

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whould you change the way you dress to please someone else? do you think it is fair for people to judge you by the way you dress? <thank please write a paragraph>




  1. It is enevitable to judge a &quot;book by it&#039;s cover&quot; or a person by the clothes they wear or how they look. So, one must think about this if one wants to make a good impression on another. However, the flipside also applies: for example, one who does not dress their best should not expect others to remark positively on this. One should dress for the occasion and be himself at all times, even in one&#039;s clothes. Cliches are cliches for a reason: dress your best.

  2. Yes clothes do give out a message on who you are. And you don&#039;t choose your clothes deliberately, you only like the kind of clothes your personality is.

    Its a different thing if you want to change the appearance and project something else..

    No matter if you choose deliberately or by heart Yes Yes you project yourself through your clothes.

    Remember your clothes give the first impression to others about you.  Now you know what to do.

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