
Hi,i am an Indian student working in OPT. I lost my passport along with the I-94. can I apply for H1B vis?

by Guest62148  |  earlier

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Hi am indian student recently graduated and working in my OPT period. I lost my passport along with the I - 94 document. how can I apply for my H1B visa. i have acopy of first three and last two pages of passport. I have a copy of my visa and I-94 also. Can anyone please help me with this. It is quite urgent.




  1. I fail to see where they're going to put the visa if you've lost your passport. You should apply tell the Indian embassy that you've lost your passport and apply for a new one. Then apply for the H1B visa (don't forget to tell the US Immigration that you've lost the I-94).

  2. Whether you find another way to stay in the US, or you are required to leave, you will need to replace your passport (cost - US$125):

    You will also need to replace your I-94 (cost - US$320):

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