
Hi,ive got a parrot how do i keep my flat smelling nice if i cnt use airfreashner,candles or plugins?

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Hi,ive got a parrot how do i keep my flat smelling nice if i cnt use airfreashner,candles or plugins?




  1. plugings are danerous can over heat.i have a parrot and my house doesnt smell but i use pot pouri its the safest providing you make sure your parrot does not atempt to eat it.

  2. birds dont really smell bad, their poops are ordorless and there food just smells like seed. It might stink if u dont change the bottom of the cage out (where the newspaper is) every few days or so, also many airfreshners, candles, and plugins are toxic to birds and can easily kill them check out for a list on household toxins that can kill your bird, goodluck!

  3. Prevention is the key and that comes from making sure their cage is cleaned every day.  I have 37 birds and HAVE to clean every day but not because of the smell but because it's like running a daycare for birds around here!  My bird room is never smelly.

    The odors will come from bacteria and mold if allowed to grow.  You need to wash the dishes daily, clean the perches, change the papers and wipe down the surfaces to keep moisture from getting in contact with the food sources and then weekly disinfect the toys and other accessories to keep them clean and in good repair.

    If your bird has a habit of sitting on his dishes he'll likely be pooping in them as well so you can put the dishes higher in the cage and/or provide other items for him to perch on.

    You also need to provide plenty of ventilation and an air purifier works wonders, especially with a filter to catch and collect dander from species like Cockatiels and Cockatoos.

    Also offer fresh clean bath water for your bird so he can keep himself clean.  Even if you just use a spray bottle this will trigger a preening response and keep your bird clean and healthy.

    You CAN use candles as long as they have lead free wicks and the ingredients used to provide scent (extracts, essential oils, etc) are safe.  

    A lot of people use a vinegar/water solution to clean cages because the vinegar cleans and helped break up hardened droppings and debris better while freshening the air.

    There are plenty of all natural cleaners and fresheners out there that won't hurt your bird, you just need to read the labels and compare the ingredients to make sure they're safe to use around birds.  Don't be fooled by so-called all natural plant based formulas though because some will contain other harsh additives so you really need to read the labels and do your homework, but mainly just keep on top of the cleaning.

  4. The place you keep the parrot should be airy and well ventilated. You need to devise a schedule for cleaning the cage daily.

  5. Buy a bunch of Sweet smelling Flowers now and again!!

  6. air out the flat

    open the windows

  7. If you keep the cage clean you won't have any odor problems attributable to the bird or cage.  I don't use candles because they put soot into the air.  I don't put essential oils into the air either.  But you CAN simmer a pot of water with citrus peelings and/or cinnamon if you just want a nice smell in the house that won't hurt your bird.


  8. Have the parrot stuffed.

  9. Keep the cage clean, and use environmentally friendly cleaners that are bird safe.  

  10. Simple....clean the cage each day like you are supposed to.  This means cleaning the bottom of the cage each day, changing the food daily, (this is very necessary because of bacteria), and change the water when it is dirty. (several times a day)  Once a week you should be cleaning the whole cage and disinfecting it....perches, grate, food dishes and cage itself. I work at an aviary with hundreds of birds and there is no bad odor from any of the cages. I also own 2 macaws, a cockatoo, and a grey, and there is no odor from them, and the house does not stink. Bird droppings left in the cage can start to smell, and cause bacteria that will also start to smell. Certain foods and pellets can cause bird droppings to have an unpleasant odor.   If you open the windows, make sure your bird is not in the draft.  Please read my profile.

  11. Do a daily check on your parrots cage, and scoop up any p**p. Go to a petstore, like Pets At Home, (or Petco/ Petsmart if you're in the US), and look at the cleaning section for small animals. You'll find some cage granules, (they're called Fresh Granules or something similar), and you can sprinkle this on the cage floor, as it's safe. That should help keep your parrot smelling sweet! Also, open windows whenever you can.

    Eva x

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