
Hi,my Euro Box Has went off saying updating codes nothing happened for 2 days;is there any codes i can put in?

by  |  earlier

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Hi,my Euro Box Has went off saying updating codes nothing happened for 2 days;is there any codes i can put in?




  1. Every where in the country is down, however there are codes to update the box but i am waiting on mine just now.  Once i get it i will post them to you.  There is a website you can get codes from, you just search google for eurobox codes 2008.

    I will reply soon

  2. You need to enter a code manually into your eurovox. Check the forum for answers to "Eurovox code being updated?" from today which will tell you how to get into the menu and enter your code. Then to get your code for your area - google bigmaq toolbar and download the toolbar. On the toolbar there is a drop down menu saying "latest keys" which should tell you your code for your area.

  3. Get it hacked - its the only box that can get you ALL channels for free on cable...  check the web!

  4. Looks like you could do with some English lessons yourself mate, it is teach them English not learn them English! Cretin

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