
Hi , I am a woman with ADHD?

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Would you tell your true opinion about a person with ADHD?

Imagine a person who you know tell you that she has ADHD

What would you think about her ?

For example , Would you view them as unintelligent ?

I am really interested that how truly people tend to view me .

Please be honest




  1. If I were to meet a person with ADHD, I would not view them any differently. They're a person who deserves to be treated as anyone else, and I'm being honest. Just because they have ADHD, doesn't mean that they're any less intelligent than the rest of us.

  2. i am in school as an educational assistant and i have been taught all about ADHD.  The fact that you have been diagnosed with ADHD does not mean that you are unintelligent. It simply means that you may not learn as quickly or as easily as others might. The trick is to find a way to relate the topic you are learning about to something you are interested in or something you are already fairly knowledgeable of.  Please do not think even for a second that you are stupid because in my opinion that can definitely make the situation worse.

    good luck

  3. A person with ADHD wouldn't bother me. A person with AIDS wouldn't bother me. A person with Schizophrenia wouldn't bother me. An African American wouldn't bother me. A homosexual person wouldn't bother me. Things like that just don't make a difference to me! I might have the first impression that she is a little bit easily distracted, but, she might prove me wrong. That's just what I'd think if I hadn't met her yet.

  4. Hi, I also am a woman with ADHD, and I am bi-polar as well. I know first hand you are intelligent, and you are very creative. You have a-lot of energy, but don't know how to use it just right. Medication truly can help with all your concerns and problems. If you aren't on an ADHD medication, you should look into the various ones they have. AdderallXR is the best for me and my son and also my nephew takes it. I am 42, my nephew is 23 and my son is 11. My entire world changed when I found out my diagnoses and got the right pills....  What do I think of you... you are gifted, full of insight, and wisdom is your name! God bless you, Joni

  5. Actually and to be honest, if someone told me they had ADHD I would ask them what it was and then carry on with whatever we were doing because it shouldnt effect it unless the person is self-diagnosed and not getting treatment for it.

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