
Hi , how you doing guys?

by  |  earlier

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Hi , how you doin guys ; i have a question : have you train your coworker for something that you know better than him ? If yes , tell me how did you help him/she ? show me an example please ?

have a good 1 fellas




  1. This is the genealogy forum, your question is in the wrong forum.

  2. That's a tough one, if you don't have seniority or anything that entitles you to tell him how to do the job. If it's someone who has the same rank as you, and they ask you, you can tell them. If they don't ask and you see they are doing it wrong, you can offer a suggestion. If they don't want to take it, then let it go, otherwise you're going to be stuck with a pissed-off co-worker for the foreseeable future.

  3. I am a bit jealous..i dont train anyone unless he or she had done a big favor for me in the past

  4. Please phrase your question in the form of a genealogy related question.

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