
Hi All, Does anyone out there have any information about the Chullora Tunnels under the railyards?

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The tunnels were supposed to have been used during WW2 as part of the aussie war effort, do they actually exist or are they just a myth?




  1. PROABLY as an amunition dump as there where a few in mate would know  ill ask him...but i had no idea there was one in chullora wow.... but here is one that will amaze you ...did you know that all the land under georges hieghts in mosman area is a huge underground petrol reserve or was in ww2..but they say that if you light a match thier could be a big boom from the fumes that still lingre there .it ran all the way from the point to chowder bay..where the pump was to fill the ships in ww2.. but some other stuff in sydney will amaze you like there is an underground tunnel that runns from the NELSON hotel in the rocks wich leads in tot he cellar and runs out to the sydney harbour...appraentley it was used in the convict days of early sydney by press gangs for the royal navy and later for whalling ships.. so u go in the nelson for a pint  and wake up on a whalling ship..ha ha ha ha ..

  2. chullora bunkers

    There were 2 or 3 bunker complexes located in the chullora railway workshops area during ww2. However there is very little information on this bunker excpet for what workers from the railway workshops have divulged about the bunker complexes. It has been advised there was a bunker complex under Marlene and Davis st, Chullora. Apparently there is two doors in the side of the hill which give access to the bunker that have been sealed, according to one of the employees of the workshops, the bunker has been partially backfilled as over the years, several large trucks have run over the top of the bunker and cause minor collapses of the tunnel roof and concrete was poored to stop further damage. Very little is know about the use of the tunnel, but due to its exposed location (the only known entrance is in the side of an embankment about 300 metres from the main worksop area) and was most likely some kind of testing or design area.

    It has also been advised there are two large bunker like "basements" under two of the workshops dating from ww2. One of them apparently still existed (as of the year 2000) it was completely empty except for a few tables and bits of junk and access was via a trap door. The other "basement" was located under a workshop that has since been demolished to make way for the fairfax publishing building. Apparently this basement included a tunnel system, with one of the entrances being located in an embankment located along Worth st Chullora opposite the TAFE college.

    Unfortunately all these sites cannot be verified by official government documentation at the moment. 04:42, 4 November 2007 (UTC)

    For more information Were they used during WW2? go to the second link tried to copy and paste the information but it's copyrighted and couldn't do it.

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