
Hi. Any1 knows wrestling club in Toronto?

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Hi. My name is Anton. I'm 13 years old. I'm looking for a freestyle or greco-roman wrestling club. I was practising 3 years in Belarus ( Europe, beside Russia and Ukraine). So can any1 help me? thank you




  1. yeah. hop on your bike and head NE for 3.12 miles, then turn SSW for another 1.93 miles, when you come to a street with a sign on the corner, park your bike under the sign. walk NW 1/2 block and turn right. when you see a building with a blue door--knock 3 times. when the guy answers tell him you are Anton from Yahoo Answers---he's then going to teach you how to post questions in the correct category.

  2. Wrong sport Anton, this is for surfboard riding, you want Wrestling.

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