
Hi! Can we treat a gynecologic cancer with the traditional way like Green tea?

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Hi! Can we treat a gynecologic cancer with the traditional way like Green tea?




  1. cancer is a problem with genetics, your not going to cure it with any sort of tea!

  2. Yes you can. You can treat it with green tea, coffee enemas, and herbs. Next you all can have a traditional funeral along with traditional flowers. Your call.

  3. Traditionally people got cancer and died from it.

    Now we have modern medicine, which isn't perfect, but it gives you a fighting chance.

    Speak to medical doctors and don't waste time on quackery.

  4. There has been a lot of success in cancer with the gano all forms of cancers and tumors.....go look at the product profile at this web page......   you will get your answers there.........I have several clients whos drs are scratching their heads.

  5. Actually green tea is of great help.  Of the 5 or so programs I heard of with success, I noticed all used raw fruits and veggies preferably organically grown.  the reason this works this that a protein coating surrounds each cancer cells and this prevents the immune system from killing it and the enzymes in the raw produce and their fresh juices eats away this protein coating and then the immune system can kill it.

    I have read that green tea had the same effect.

    I would not trust only this though.

    I recommend the full incurables program by Richard schulze

    if you email me I can send you a link to the save your life videos and manual..

    here is the program in a nutshell

    Also take essiac sure it is brewed correctly.

    Take Schulze detox formula (found at or the hoxsey formula

    immediately start colon cleansing and juice fasting (see the videos)

    read cancer battle plan and view the video and also cancer battle plan sourcebook (ebay/amazon) by anne frahm and the 2nd by David frahm (now she ate 80% raw food and 20% cooked (like baked potatoes, brown rice, steamed veggies) but schulze recommends vegan and for the dying and very ill juice fasting.

    familiarize yourself with all of his writings

    Watch Dr Loraine day's video "cancer doesn't scare me anymore"

    Watch the video hoxsey the quack who cured cancer

    also go to the site curezone and read a lot.

    do this and you will likely get your miracle.

    email me if you want the extremely important link to the save your life videos

  6. Sure

    Except it won't work.

    Your call

  7. Green tea does NOT treat cancer.  It is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients which may reduce the risk of getting cancer in the first place (if drank regularly), but it's not a treatment.  

    For that matter, I know of no alternative medicines which claim great success against cancer.  Often, they are used more for support during conventional cancer treatments (e.g. to reduce nausea from chemotherapy, monitor/improve nutrition, etc.).

    You may want to look up Cancer Treatment Centers of America.  They combine conventional and alternative therapies which you may find useful.

  8. It's pretty unlikely that green tea will cure cancer.

  9. No! That won't do anything. It is just a myth people think but it is not true!

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