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The Best Era of Life

Life is a like a rose. We start as a seed in the ground, infancy, grow to be a sprouting bud, childhood, grow the sharp thorns,

adolescence, and finally grow to be a beautiful rose, adulthood. As life goes on we fade to a shriveling blossom, which is old age.

Childhood is the best era of one’s life. It is filled with unconditional love from parents; the imagination and creativity that adolesences often lose, and

the sweet innocence. Childhood is the era in life that makes each person their own and is the era to remember forever.

Love is a beautiful thing, b ut the love children get from their parents is extraordinary. A parent's love is the strongest type of love there is. Children go through childhood with two different types from their parents. The first kind is the love that supports children's dreams. Children have the upmost support from their parents to pursue their dreams, even if that includes driving across the city to gymnastics or soccer practice. Children have that love that sometimes is lost when one reaches adolesences and dreams often fade without the help of parents. A parent's love to support their child's dream is one of the best things in childhood. The second kind of love is the unconditional kind. Parents love their child more than anything in the universe: money, jewels, jobs, and even life itself. They would give up life for their child. A Chinese proverb says " To understand a parent's love one must raise children themselves." It is true and that love belongs to the child. The two types of childhood love are wonderful and only a child really knows what that love is all about. Imagination and creativity are also two factors in childhood that make childhood the most wonderful era of life.

Imagination and creativity are two ingrediants that make childhood the best era. Creativity and imagination are alive with the child. When a child gets a hold of a drawing untensil anything is possible. Their drawings make the most creative masterpeices look dull. The imagination and creativity doesnt end with that. Games about being20magical creatures, sailing boats across the sea, casting spells, and having magnificent tea parties are just an ounce of what a child's mind can do. Elizabeth Lawerence once said "There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again." Childhood can only possess that garden and it is everything that Elizabeth Lawerence said. Imagination and creativity are the founders of that garden. Imagination and creativity are a children's partner in childhood. Sweet innocence is another thing that is found in childhood.

In childhood, children have the sweet innocence that adolesences wish they never lost. A child's innocence makes them see the world in a better light; a world without war or poverty. Their innocence makes them not know the problems of the world or the worries of a parent. When a child looks at a person they find their perfections, not their flaws. It is something that adolesences and adults dont have anymore. They look at someone and all they see is their flaws. The quote by Sheryl Crow states that "being around children that small, one sees how they naturally gravitate to light. They are not cynical yet." Sheryl Crow is right. They are not cynical yet. The innocence of childhood seems to forbid that. Children see the world through better eyes. The innocence of a child is the best thing about childhood.

Childhood is the most incredible era. Children are loved by their parents, are20creative and imagintive, and incredibly innocent. Childhood is the most important era because it gives them confidence to succed and ideas to make them flourish. "Only in childhood do we ever have the chance of making dreams come true when they mean everything,"- Unknown. That is true. Only in childhood can one make dreams come true.




  1. Beautiful, Totally and A+, you kind of repeat alot of some words

  2. That is a beautiful essay but you have some spelling mistakes, some spacing issues and a couple of grammatical errors.

  3. I agree go through and check your spelling and grammar, otherwise it is a beautiful essay. An instructor once told me the story read it from end to beginning; you are not caught-up in the story and can see your mistakes easier.

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