
Hi. Do you know that when does harry potter and the half blood prince ( Movie) comes out ??? ?

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Hi. Do you know that when does harry potter and the half blood prince ( Movie) comes out ??? ?




  1. They just changed the release date.

    It will be July of 2009.

    It was planned originally for November of this year, but even though all the work is on schedule and it will be ready, they decided the week in July will not have any other "huge" movie being released that week so they changed it to then to take advantage of the huge audiences that go to movies during the summer.

    They're right. It could mean $50,000,000-$100,000,000 more in total gross. My guess is there is a "big" movie the week or two following but not a "huge" one though no one's saying.

    So we all get f**ked over. Well, It's Billionaire Rowling's property. Legally. They ought to change that. When something is made popular, the people making it popular should have rights too.

    (Sigh) They're doing the same with Star Trek. My Christmas afternoon was going to include watching the new movie. But even though it's on schedule too, they have shifted it to an early week in May to try to "blockbuster" it. I don't mind as much here though because Star Trek needs a boost again to keep it coming. Harry Potter doesn't. What do you bet she is going to publish something that j-u-s-t happens to not be coming out until near then?

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