
Hi Everyone. I Was Just Wondering What You All Think Of The Royal Family? Are You In Favour Or Against? Thnks?

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Hi Everyone. I Was Just Wondering What You All Think Of The Royal Family? Are You In Favour Or Against? Thnks?




  1. Question is vague.  Are you asking whether we "like" the Royal Family, or are you asking a much deeper question: "Should the Royal Family be abolished?"  I am going to assume you are talking about England's royal family.???   I support the idea of a royal family because I believe that a certain amount of tradition can be a good thing.  I love history, and would hate to see such  links to the past be demolished.  I am truly an admirer and follower of "what the Royals' are doing now." I also have some compassion for them, as none of them asked to be brought up in such a glass house environment...could any of us say we would be doing better if we and our parents had been raised in such stiff and public ways?    However, that being said, I believe some adjustments should be made in the tradition.   I don't believe that people's taxes should go to support them.   They can stand as Royal ambasadors on their own, without having to be something tied to political financing of their country.  After all, they don't really "rule" anymore.  They are glorified ambassadors.    Their own wealth should support them, as much as any celebrity...probably paid something for their goodwill duties but  I would guess they are overpaid....I don't know, as I am not British.   Another thing that should be updated:  The reigning monarch should be the first born CHILD and not the first   born SON.  They need to get modernized concerning their gender preferences!!!  To those wanting to "abolish the crown," I can't see that all of their wealth through palaces, jewels, crowns, etc., should be taken from the family and given to England.....because they DID inheret those from their ancestors.    I guess bottom line is I have compassion for the position of the Royal family, while I do see that some things would probably  be better to modernize the tradition.

  2. Yahoo rules on language and abuse prevent me from giving you a comprehensive and ACCURATE answer to the question of what one thinks of the royals...suffice to say I am fond of thinking of the royals each time I squat on my own 'throne' and squeeze out a big rotten one!

  3. As an Spanish i can speak of Spain: I'm against 'cose nowadays it'as become an antique organization that only cost us a lot of money every year.

  4. I am neutral on it,if a better system comes up then I would be for it but,so far there has been nothing.

    I squeezed out a big rotten one this morning and it was a madman's mother,needless to say I had to flush it many times.

  5. Which royal family?  Jordan's royal family?  Monaco?  Which one?

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