
Hi Guys,Do you support Obama or Mcain?

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Althought I am not an american,I always pay more attention to america,such as:Vote,As i know ,there is a lot of people who is not going to Vote Obama because of he is a black man.I was shocked when i read this ,such a big and nice country ,shouldn't have race discrimation.Black people also can do a great job.probably ever much better than white people .so ignore the racial problem,Vote the right person who can solve all problems what america has right now and make progress ,also can do much better than Bush.i think this is the most important.

As for myself,I fully support Obama,it seems he will be the second Bill Clinton who did a great job as a president during 8 yeas except one thing u know what i mean .so Obama is the right person to be the next president i think.

As for Mcain, I think he is too old to be a president.luckily he is a white it is good for him .also it seems he will follow Bush's that is too bad.

so guys,choose the right person to be your next president .




  1. Nobody is perfect!

    But Barack Obama would definitely be the best for president.

    the whole world would respect United States more if Obama was elected.

    John McCain is using the fear strategy; he is just another Bush (perhaps a little more intelligent)

  2. Obama. In the words of a wise woman.....noway, nohow, no McCain.

    McCain has already told the world that he knows nothing about the economy, and his ideas are no different that Bushes ideas, so how is that supposed to heal our economy? The only thing McCain knows about is war. My compromise is to elect them both, we'll keep Obama here to help us get this country back to where it was before the republicans took over, and we can send McCain to Iraq, Iran, or Russia. (anywhere)

  3. "obama hope he winssss

    mckain will do bad to us"

    Oh dear lord. Well I clearly see what kind of voters Obama has. If you're smart, then vote McCain. If you want things to get worse than they already are, then vote Obama.

    McCain 08

  4. im for neither but mc cain if i had to vote, Obama well read ur bible it tells it all

  5. obama hope he winssss

    mckain will do bad to us

  6. McCain. Obama has no idea what he's doing, he just has a few speeches behind him. McCain has TONS of experience with politics, and we know he is true to the USA because he did not give us up when he was a POW.

  7. If I had to choose, I would choose Obama, but I'd rather support the Green Party.

  8. I will never vote for any republican.

  9. Obama

  10. Ronald Reagan was a great American all around and he wasn't a young man. Age doesn't mean anything, however being inexperienced, uncapable, unwilling, and dishonesty sure does.  I'm voting the clearest and most trustworthy, McCain 2008

    And I APPROVE this message!

  11. Obama and his party promotes the social good. The other party is purely one of greediness and selfishness.

  12. I love America. I love the constitution. I love freedom and liberty. I love to make my own choices in life. I love to keep most of the money I earn to spend the way I wish. I want my grand children to inherit a free and open country.

    So I must vote for John McCain. He is not perfect, but he is not a Marxist phony like the other guy.

    Color has nothing to do with it.

  13. well, u have to first compare the good & bad about both candidate. if i had to vote, i would vote for mcain, not that i dont like obama. but well, they're both good.  

  14. The most american people decided to vote to young senator Barrack obama.  The other country men giving a moral support to him.  All like obama, because he wins the heart of the people.  how many oppositions, how many criticisms, how many personal comments, how many articles against is wonderful, he bears all with his smiling.

  15. Obama!!

    ^Ronald Reagan was a celebrity actor who sold the steel mills to China. Thousands of Americans lost their careers because of  one man's poor decision making. Reagan's only claim to fame was the end of the cold war.

      There has never been a more overrated President in American history.

  16. Its all about race with obama, just like with OJ simpson, blacks wanted him free because he was black, they didnt care about the evidence..same thing here...Blacks dont care that he has no experience, they just want him to win because hes black, they dont pay any attention to his background. In America we have so much free will and people quoting the first amendment that your going to have issues such as race and so forth. Its just part of our BIG mouths.  

  17. Republicans - Free Enterprise and Individualism

    Democrats - Unionization, Socialism, Big Government Intervention (Big Brother)


    Do your own research, preferably through unbiased HISTORY CHANNEL and historical documents and documentaries. The news media is not a good source for the following reasons:

    Radio Broadcasters and Television news media outlets are also UNION, immediate bias to pro democratic. (CNN & MSNBC are public relations "agents" for the Democrats)

    Hollywood is all UNION therefore what the celebs say, and the recording artists say (UNION) just know there is bias. They get their union performance bookings and are allowed at the "A list" parties because they are UNION Democrats.

    Screenwriters and playwrights are also UNION, so what you see in the movies and on T.V. also has union democratic bias.

    Most teachers and professors belong to UNIONS (pro democrat), which automatically biases their opionion. Most textbooks are written FOR those teachers by UNION writers. Kids are being spoon-fed "socialism", Parents beware!

    Check out the Chicago mafia politics and their union connections. The Crime boss Godfathers put their candidates forward (and judges) to do their underworld will. "Earmarks" or Pork barrel spending is appropriated by the Democratics and funnelled to the Godfathers, that's why they want to RAISE taxes, they are greedy. That's why the Mafia hates corporations, they don't get a piece of the action.

    Unions are the cause of the economic downfall in America, especially inflation, jobs are lost to China & India, efficiency is red taped, sub-standard education because the kids don't get the funding, the administrators do and the Unions are in charge and help worthless teachers keep their jobs.

    Higher construction & building costs = unaffordable homes, Education is skyrocketing (inflation) , higher automobile manf.costs (loss of Detroit jobs).

    In a nutshell, Republicans = Free Enterprise - Democrats = UNIONS (socialism under government control) = New World Order - and the next step is Communism.  If you have any doubts, I highly recommend you google "45 goals of Communism" 1963 was the year it was entered into the Library of Congress.

    NO BIG BROTHER - McCain 08


  18. I would vote for him except that U.S. Green is a choice. Of course as some say labels make sheep but Green is a vote for stopping Global Warming.

  19. Obama.  Sure hope he wins - our country needs a competent head and a new direction.

  20. I'll have to vote for Obama.  I'd vote Republican if I thought they really were true Conservatives.  But they're not.  They're Corporatists.  Corporatists believe in the rights of the corporation and the wealthy elite over the rights of the people.  Corporatism takes a Republican form of government.  There are elections in corporatist states.  But they always shams. Corporatists are hostile to liberals, intellectuals and unions.  And corporatists depend on propaganda because they have to lie to get public support.  

    Lastly, Mussolini said that Corporatism is just another word for Fascism.  And if McCain does become president, we could be that much closer to being ruled by a fascist regime if it hasn't already happened.


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