
Hi Guys and gals i work for a printing company and i am contanstly getting shock by static can anyone help me?

by  |  earlier

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Stactic shock builds up in the paper we are printing on and it shocks us can ayone help.. Are any antistatic devices in the market to use on the safety shoes etc.............




  1. get one of those anti-static cloths for the clothes dryer, works like a charm

  2. That depends on whether it is you or the paper that is building up the charge. If you're wearing certain sorts of shoes you will undoubtedly be shuffling around and building up charge yourself - a standard anti static strap would cure it in that case, attached to something metal that is well earthed.

    If it is the paper you will struggle more!

  3. negative ion generator or grounding the paper using some type of cording system like

    Nothing that i know of that protects the operator it more so needs to be removed from the paper.

    Of course the table,machine,anything that touches the paper needs to be grounded. If this hasn't already been done this would be the cheapest and easiest.

  4. Maybe some type of pad to stand on, or some other type of grounding mechanism.

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