
Hi...How do u know if a guy...??detailed answers get a hug from me.?

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..what's the difference between a close friend and best friend and a true friend.?..WHich is better to have?

And where does this guy friend of mine stand?

He is like a brother to me becuz he is protective and we occasionally tease each other. We even have special nicknames for each other. He is my favorite AIM buddy(only becuz we talk online more than in person)..and we have had many DEEP meaningful conversations and i tell him things i do not tell anyone else. We have been in MANY arguments(fighting only makes a friendship closer right?) to the point where we hurt each other emotionally and really badly. We are unlike in personality which may cause the arguing but we learn about life and about each other this way. Even after the fights we manage not to hate each other.=) However, we do not hangout much and we have different groups of friends and friendship is supposed to be two-way and i mostly initiate convos and hangouts...but despite that, he's one of the few who take notice when something is bothering me and tries to help as much as possible.

and no...he does not like me in that way.




  1. Is he truthful and reliable, if he is hes a true friend,

    If hes not hes a close friend.

  2. That sounds close to me, I mean as long as you always have a friend you can confide in and be there for you I'd say thats a close friend.

    I wouldn't exactly say hes your best friend because you guys only talk online and what not. If you were best friends, you guys would be hanging out at school, during lunch, on the phone, etc.

    Your not sure yet if hes a true friend though because you haven't gone through drama with him and have him beside with you.

    Best to have is a true friend, but those are very hard to find. True friends will be there for you whenever you need help, and are there even when times are really down. And with true friends, you also are the same to them.

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