
Hi I'm a High School Student @ Downey High trying to gather information on starting a restaurant *SURVEY*?

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Group #3

Survey for upscale restaurant

1. Does a restaurant named “Bleu Ciel” sound appealing to you? YES / NO

2. Are you between the ages of 25-45? If not how old are you?

3. Do you dine out often? YES / NO

4. Are you looking for Authentic French food or more Americanized French food? Please explain your answer.

5. When you walk into an upscale restaurant, what do you expect to see? Explain.

6. Which upscale restaurant is your favorite? Why?

7. What kind of restaurants do you dislike? Why?

8. What kind of restaurants do you usually dine in? Please give some detail.

9. What is your yearly income? (Be honest).

10. Would you rather dine out in a group or just you and a partner?





  1. 1. yes.

    2. no, 17.

    3. yes

    4. Americanized.

    5. my expectations.....i would like my waitor/waitress to be really nice, understanding, that sense of urgency (you know, instead of dragging her feet), happy face, act like they want to be there, whether or not if they really want to, to create that happy atmosphere customers are looking for.

    6, i like TGI Fridays, and Applebees, because my experiences to both of them places are really good, and at both places, you get a the amount of food that you paid for. for reasonable prices.

    7. the kind that i dont like....are the ones that ive been there more than twice and the service was bad, food was bad, and no one had customer service. i ignore those places. Ruby Tuesday is one of those.

    8. Outback, Applebees, Michaels. and some chinese places. King Buffet...mmmm. haha.

    9. 10k

    10. if it was just me and my partner, i would prolly dine in maybe once or twice every month. but i would rather dine in more with a group.

  2. 1. sure. it means "blue sky right" right?



    4.authentic. there are too many americanized french food. i'd like to eat the real thing

    5.simple but elegant interior. clean. good service most upscale restaurant i ever been to was ihop

    7.dirty ones. bad service

    8.vietnamese restaurants. i go back to my roots. family restuarants. and etc

    9.none of 2 or more

  3. 1.  It wouldn't really mean anything to me, but it looks quirky, so I'd definately check out the menu.

    2.  Yes.

    3.  It depends.  I can say I will be dining out more this month due to events, but on average it's once a week.  Well, unless you count lunch, then it depends on how many leftovers I have in the house.  (Probably @ once a week.)

    4.  I really like authentic cuisine, but I'm a snob that way.

    5.  Nice decor, flowers, professional staff.

    6.  I don't go to upscale restaurants often enough to have a favorite, but I like the Sunday brunch at His Lordships.  It's expensive but worth every penny.  The variety and abundance of food really makes it worth the cost.  There's also a place around here called Jack's Bistro.  The food is excellent and the atmosphere is great.  With both restaurants, you also get a view of the bay.

    7.  There are 2 types of restaurants I don't like.  I'm not the biggest fan of chain restaurants because there are lots of Mom and Pops out here, and I'd rather support them.  I also don't like the restaurants that over charge for a lesser quality of food.  For instance, I went to a seafood joint the week before last that was expensive.  I had accepted the price, but I expected to get more seafood for the money.  If they had charged $5 less a plate I still would have been happy.

    8.  I usually dine in Mom & Pop joints.  I like a variety of cuisines, and don't have that high of an income for where I live, so it's usually cheap great places, a deli, or the grocery store.

    9.  @ $25,000

    10.  It depends on the occasion and how I'm feeling that day.  It's usually just me and my fiance because we just up and decide to go out, but if others are there, thats fine with me too.  The more the merrier!

    Good luck on your survey!

  4. 1. Yes (pretty)

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. French

    5. Fresh cut flowers, immaculate conditions,

    6. Lacroix @ The Rittenhouse - the food and atmosphere is phenomenol. The staff is extremley accomodating and go beyond what is expected of a restaurant.

    7. Chains (TGI McScratchies, McGoofy's...)

    8. I mostly support my friends who work in fine dining settings. Since I'm in the restaurant business, we usually like to support each other.

    9. 26K

    10. Group

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