
Hi I'm from Italy...What do you think about this country?????

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In particular, when you think about Italy, you always think about Mafia??




  1. Love the food! Lots of beautiful people. And yes you have crooks just like any other country but thats not the first thing that comes to my mind.  Chow.

  2. I went there and thought it was dirty, same as New York...

    When I think of Italy I think of the food, the only good thing about it...

  3. Just love your food all that pasta

  4. I love Italian food, and want to learn more about it.

    I would also like to visit Italy before I am too old, to see the country, the architecture and meet the people.

    As for the Mafia - that is not something I think of at all, unless someone else does, or it in the news for some reason.  I you are asking, should I be concerned?

  5. Mafia? What Mafia? I have no idea what you're talking about!

  6. I'm thinking of all the fantastic trips I have done there and all the nice people I have met!

    I have even put up a private website where I've filled in useful stuff from my own experiences:

  7. Its shaped like a boot

  8. I would love to visit Italy and stay a while.I love the art,architecture,landscape and if I were single, the women LOL.Italy would be one of a few countries I need to see before I die.

  9. Hi. I've just got back from the Aosta Valley (I'm a coach driver and a registered Interski Alliance driver so I'm out there a lot). The country and people are FANTASTIC. The food is Wonderful and I can't wait to get back there next Saturday. You're country is one of the best that I visit regularly. Keep up with treating the visitors with your normal hospitality and I and my colleagues have no complaints.

  10. I LOVE Italy - been there three times and planning a trip this summer.  Venice is my favorite city. As to the Mafia, I might think of that in Sicily,  but certainly not in Central or Northern Italy

  11. The Mafia is probably at the bottom of the list of things that Italy brings to mind. The first things that come to my mind are food, culture, and Italian men ;) It's a beautiful country with beautiful, friendly people.

  12. Ciao, anch'io sono italiana ma vivo negli Stati Uniti.. When I think of Italy I think of wonderful things!!! The sea, the fashion, the wine, and the food... the love of the people for other people, family and for the land and sea.

    Other things aren't so good like the menefreghismo and the mentality of "non tocca a me!" but I think you know what I mean.

  13. It's my favorite country in Europe to visit. I love the food and the people are so expressive and full of life.  I think of espresso, barilla pasta, pizza, pannetone, nutella, the wine, the beauty of the different regions, the history, the architecture, opera, culture.  It's an amazing place.

  14. Ciao! I am American, but I am living in Italy.  Even before I moved here I never associated the Mafia with Italy, maybe it is because I have never seen any of the Godfathers.  Plus, every country as their own sort of Mafia, they just all have different names.  

    As for what do I think of Italy.  Complicato!  I fell in love with an Italian guy... and moved over here.  I had been to Italy about 4 times on vacation and I LOVED it.  I loved Italy and the atmosphere and the people and the food... but once I moved here it was very different.  I still love the food and the people i know here, but I find it to be an extremely racist country.  I never knew this before I came here.  Everyone treats me like garbage because they think I'm Chinese and everyone refuses to help me .  Then they find out I am American and they change completely, they become kinder and more helpful.  It like I have to go around with my passport taped to my shirt, which isn't fair.  Why should where I was born change the way they see me.  Then there are so many people who are always yelling things that they think sound like Chinese at me and make those squinty eyes where they pull at their eyes and ask me if I can see properly.  All that aside, it has been tough trying to deal with the Questura and any other office that makes me wait for 4 hours and then yells at me saying that the Chinese never listen.  My bf says that it is just because Italians aren't politically correct. ha.  I guess not.  I am getting more used to it now and it really reminds me of my childhood, so I am a little torn on what I think about your country.  It is beautiful, the food is wonderful, once you know people well they are extremely kind and generous.. but it is impossible making friends in Tuscany, nobody wants to be your friend.  Plus the language is gorgeous even when people are making fun of me or yelling things like °Cinese di merda° at me, still beautiful and melodic.  But I guess I am little surprised.. I did not expect it to be.. this way :)

  15. You make grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat cars!!

  16. hey ciao..

    vedo spesso domande tipo la tua (lo confesso: anch'io volevo metterne una), ma soltanto da noi italiani..

    non è strano?

    spero capiscano che lo facciamo perchè siamo socievoli e non perchè siamo egocentrici e vogliamo sentirci elogiare.. :-)

    ciao da belluno

  17. we compaesana forza napoli!!!

  18. When I think of italy i think of a beautiful setting in a little village. I never think of the mafia when i think of ital actually

  19. When Someone says Italy to me I think of food, football, history and countryside! (Not really Mafia...)

  20. I love the males, language, food, GUCCI, and the land.

  21. I think about lovely food like pastas,pizzas and broucettas.People riding on scooters saying ciao .The great paulo di canio for west ham.Over priced designer labels. when i think of the mafia i think more of the usa.

  22. i think of nice ladies there...

  23. Beautiful countryside, great art, sculpture and architecture, wonderful food and wine. And lovely women, of course!

  24. Not at all! I have visited your beautiful country many times, coming to Florence/Pisa/Forte dei Marmi with my family when I was 7, then skiing in Trafoi and Livigno many times, and more recently coming to Rome every year for the tennis tournament in May.

    I never ever think of the Mafia when I think of Italy.

    I think of fantastic food, lovely friendly people, beautiful architecture, history.

    I am very jealous of you for being able to live in such a gorgeous country.

  25. haha.. buona domanda ;)

  26. i've never been to italy but my brother has and i've seen pics of it and it looks beautiful.

  27. sono italiana..mi vedi sull'anserws di là ti rispondo ugualmente..l'Italia, come tutti gli altri paesi del mondo, ha i suoi difetti, in questo caso uno rilevante e notevole come la mafia, ma ha anche tantissimi pregi e noi italiani lo sappiamo bene, no?

    Baci e w l'Italia ;-)

  28. beautiful people

    beautiful cars

    beautiful food

    beautiful clothes

    wonderful history

    ...occassionally arrogant men.

  29. Ciao Teresina, anch'io sono Italiano ma vivo negli usa.  Devo dire che la maggior parte delle volte senti dire la parola "mafia" quando si riferisce all'Italia....e non e' giusto perche' la mafia e' una piccolissma parte della nostra terra.

  30. Not  a lot to be perfectly honest

      But when I do I think about Germany 1939-1945

  31. Ciao, sono Inglese e vivo qui in Italia da tanti anni, questo ti risponde la tua domanda. La Mafia sara sempre una problema ma io non penso piu di tanto.

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