
Hi! I'm italian...what do you think about my country?

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wow! it's nice to read these beautiful things about Italy...but unfortunately,like you said,it's true that the football fans are very bad...i know this...anyway,thank you very much!




  1. I LOVE ITALY.  The family and I toured the major sights (Pisa, Florence, Rome, Sorrento, Naples) over Christmas a couple of years ago and everyone was so warm and friendly.  I couldn't get over how in the restaurants they would come out of the kitchens and hold our son--then 2--and give him cakes and pastries.  I have wonderful memories of Italy and it is at the top of my European Vacation list by far.

  2. My daughter and I were there for the first time in April. We toured Rome, Assisi, Florence, Verona, Venice, and Milan. We loved it all. We are from California and going to Italy was our dream for a long time and we went and cried to have to leave!  How breathtaking and beautiful! Our tour guide was Fabri Ruffo. He was with our group the whole time we were there. We fell in love with him and wanted to take him home with us. The local guides we had were good, but mostly annoying. They talked too much! But they were adorable other wise! The food was good. The cappicino was indescribable, and the Gelato was to die for! I miss it and look at  my pictures and my books I bought over and over and I am longing for the day I can return to Italy. Be a happy person living there, it is heaven on earth!

  3. im half italian and just came back from a 20 day vacation in Italy and I have to say that it is the most beautiful country with the best people and I want to live there! :) Ooo and the men are hot ;)

  4. Aside from their communist dominated media, and answering another responder, the BS with the CIA which is trying to fight

    terrorists, which apparently that person endorses, and also along with the Italian government which also contains a lot of communist leaning individuals, the country itself is great. I just wish they'd lose the anti US BS, partly left over from WWII also again, which their communist dominated media spouts off about

    every chance it gets.

  5. I love the accents, i love the people, i love italy!

    p/s: love the ice cream too!! yummyy!

  6. Oh it is great country I have been there several times, hand pressed olive oil is so tasty, and people are so fashion.

  7. Violent and dangerous football fans

  8. The wine is eh, the food is eh, the desserts are great.... the sportscars are great.... there is nothing like italian leather shoes. It's a great country, just not wild about your wines or your pasta.

  9. Too many italians live there.

  10. i am in love with Italy because they put American cia on trial, not many countries would have enough guts to stand up for what is right, but Italy did.  I hope you find all those cia criminals guilty, and get extraditions.

  11. On the whole I really like it

    But in particular the fashions, the food and scenery and of course the ancient culture.

    Didn't like the touristy places though

  12. L'Italia è bella.

  13. i like Italy and i wish vi set it please if are you reedy to turn with my cone ct my

  14. I miei grandparents provenivano dalla Sicilia. È bella. Ho visitato due volte. Ho altra famiglia che ancora risiede là. Risiedo a New York City.

  15. Many pretty girls.

  16. Italy is a wonderful place with great foods, wines and places to visit. <*-*>

  17. its a beautiful place and so friendly , its a beautiful language and have great food

  18. fantastic and interesting. hope to visit it someday

  19. I think that Italy, particularly northern Italy, is God's own country.

  20. OMG i luv italy i knew they were gonna win the world cup. You have a BEAUTIFUL country. I've been twice and I wanna go agian. You have wonderful food. I love gilato it's so good. sry if i mispelled it.  I love italy espically the cars.

  21. Its Beautiful!

  22. Love the food and the landscape.

  23. generally italy is a nice countr asto say that the football fans are bad

  24. spose they have good soccer teams i mean they have 4 world cups.


  26. its beautiful!!! i was all over italy last week.

  27. I love it, im Italian too :)

  28. I love the food and the people.

  29. I travel to Italy every year.  The people are wonderful and the food is to die for.

  30. i want to test drive all the cars that roll out from ur country.. and also i want to drive one of those scooters on the cobbled narrow streets.. and the pizza and the macaroni... i must get there sum time dudette...

  31. I love it. I spent a month there (mostly Tuscany) a year or so ago. I would go back tomorrow.  

    The countryside is beautiful. (I'm not a real city person). The food is great. The wine is great. But what I like most is the people. Almost everyone I met was incredibly friendly. ( I'm actually not a real people person either, but I might could become one there).

    All of my friends know that if I ever disappear, Italy is the place to look for me.

    The only thing missing from Italy is ME!

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