
Hi I'm starting an ironing business and want to know what equipment/products I need to do a good job? Thanx ?

by  |  earlier

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So I want to start ironing peoples clothes for money in my area and was wondering

1. What equipment do I need and what type of iron would do (how much would I pay for an alright Iron)

2. Should I put in the add that I will wash and Dry there clothes too ( If so what do I need)

3. Do you think it would matter if I only put in the add that I do it on weekends





  1. You might want to re-think this. It sounds like you are offering the same services as a dry cleaners....except not professional quality. Considering they only charge like $1 a shirt, you are going to be hard pressed to drum up any business.

  2. It depends upon how serious you are about this business.

    Commecial laundry use steam presses. For blankets, hospitals use rotary presses. A hand Iron would be necessary for hand finishing on shirts.

    Take a sneek at your local cleaners or try to get a saturday job there, it will give you some experience and useful knowledge.

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